Muhammad bin Sa'ad Zuhri (Died 230 AH) narrated :
قال أخبرنا عفان بن مسلم قال أخبرنا حماد بن سلمة قال أخبرنا أبو حفص وكلثوم بن جبر عن أبي غادية قال سمعت عمار بن ياسر يقع في عثمان يشتمه بالمدينة قال فتوعدته بالقتل قلت لئن أمكنني الله منك لافعلن فلما كايوم صفين جعل عمار يحمل على الناس فقيل هذا عمار فرأيت فرجة بين الرئتين وبين الساقين قال فحملت عليه فطعنته في ركبته قال فوقع فقتلته فقيل قتلت عمار بن ياسر وأخبر عمرو بن العاص فقال سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول إن قاتله وسالبه في النار فقيل لعمرو بن العاص هو ذا أنت تقاتله فقال إنما قال قاتله وسالبه .
Abu Ghadiyah said that i heard Ammar bin Yasir speaking ill of Uthman and insulting him in Madina. I threatened him with death, and said: If Allah gives me power on you, i will kill you. And on the day of Siffen, he was there attacking, and people said that there is Ammar. I saw a hole between his protective layer between lungs and thighs. I attacked him and hit him at knees, he fell down, and then i killed him. So it was then said that i killed him. I told this to Amr bin Aas, he said: I heard Prophet saying: the one who will kill him and steal his things are in hell. So he was asked: you were fighting him as well. He said: Prophet (ﷺ) spoke of the one who would fight and steal him.
Taqbaat - Ibn Saad // Volume 3 // Page 241 // Edn. Maktaba Al-Khanji Cairo Egypt.
Now same narration with same chain was quoted by Ahmad bin Hanbal (241 AH) and he changed the words سمعت عمار بن ياسر يقع في عثمان يشتمه بالمدينة (I heard Ammar bin Yasir speaking ill and abusing 'Uthman) by فإذا رجل يسب فلاناً (A Man was abusing that person)