47. Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted a narration in which Ammar bin Yasir was abusing 'Uthman.

Muhammad bin Sa'ad Zuhri (Died 230 AH) narrated :

قال أخبرنا عفان بن مسلم قال أخبرنا حماد بن سلمة قال أخبرنا أبو حفص وكلثوم بن جبر عن أبي غادية قال سمعت عمار بن ياسر يقع في عثمان يشتمه بالمدينة قال فتوعدته بالقتل قلت لئن أمكنني الله منك لافعلن فلما كايوم صفين جعل عمار يحمل على الناس فقيل هذا عمار فرأيت فرجة بين الرئتين وبين الساقين قال فحملت عليه فطعنته في ركبته قال فوقع فقتلته فقيل قتلت عمار بن ياسر وأخبر عمرو بن العاص فقال سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول إن قاتله وسالبه في النار فقيل لعمرو بن العاص هو ذا أنت تقاتله فقال إنما قال قاتله وسالبه .

Abu Ghadiyah said that i heard Ammar bin Yasir speaking ill of Uthman and insulting him in Madina. I threatened him with death, and said: If Allah gives me power on you, i will kill you. And on the day of Siffen, he was there attacking, and people said that there is Ammar. I saw a hole between his protective layer between lungs and thighs. I attacked him and hit him at knees, he fell down, and then i killed him. So it was then said that i killed him. I told this to Amr bin Aas, he said: I heard Prophet saying: the one who will kill him and steal his things are in hell. So he was asked: you were fighting him as well. He said:  Prophet (ﷺ) spoke of the one who would fight and steal him.

Taqbaat - Ibn Saad // Volume 3 // Page 241 // Edn. Maktaba Al-Khanji Cairo Egypt. 

Now same narration with same chain was quoted by Ahmad bin Hanbal (241 AH) and he changed the words  سمعت عمار بن ياسر يقع في عثمان يشتمه بالمدينة (I heard Ammar bin Yasir speaking ill and abusing 'Uthman) by فإذا رجل يسب فلاناً (A Man was abusing that person)

Musnad - Ahmad bin Hanbal // Volume 26 // Page 250 // Number 16698 // Edn. Risalah Al-Alamiyyah Beriut Lebanon.

Distortion in Books by Sunni Scholars

50. Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted a narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) replaced Abu Bakr with Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) for propagation of a quranic chapter. 49. Al-Bukhari distorted a narration where a companion speaks against 'Uthman. 48. Al-Bukhari and Abu Ya'la Mosuli distorted a narration in which Asma bin Umais called Umar a Liar. 47. Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted a narration in which Ammar bin Yasir was abusing 'Uthman. 46. Muslim and Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted a narration in which Uthman bin 'Affan called Imam Ali (as) a misguided person. 45. Ibn Abi Sha'ybah distorted the narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) predicted that People will reveal their hate against Ali (as) after him death. 44. Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted a narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) predicted that People will reveal their hate against Ali (as) after his death. 43. Al-Bukhari distorted a narration in which Ibn Abbas says that Aisha had grudge of Ali (as). 42. Muslim and Khateeb Al-Baghdadi distorted a narration in which Ibn Abbas says that Aisha had grudge of Ali (as). 41. Ibn Hajr Asqalani distorted a narration in which some companions had hidden a narration of Prophet (ﷺ) about Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as). 40. Abu Ya'la Mosuli distorted a narration which depicts Abu Huraira was against Ali and his followers. 39. Al-Tabarani and Al-Bukhari distorted a narration in which it is proven that a Companion after death will go the hell. 38. Al-Bukhari distorted a narration to hide the name of Marwan whose house had pictures which was forbidden by Prophet (ﷺ). 37. Al-Tabarani and Abu Nu'aim Asfahani distorted a narration to hide the name of Mu'awiyah about who Prophet (ﷺ) had predicted that he will die outside Islam. 36. Ibn Abi Sha'ybah distorted a narration in which Mu'awiyah was seen selling Idols to people of Hind. 35. Abu Dawūd Sijastani distorted a narration in which Mu'awiyah was giving orders to haram acts. 34. Abu Dawūd Sijastani distorted a narration in which Mu'awiyah rejoiced at the death of Al-Hasan bin Ali (as). 33. Al-Tahawi distorted a narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) cursed 'Amr bin A'as. 32. Qadhi Abu Ya'la Al-Farra' distorted a narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) had cursed 'Amr bin Al-A'as. 31. Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal and Al-Bukhari distorted a narration in which Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) said that he had more right over Caliphate than Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. 30. Abu Bakr Al-Marwadhi tried to hide the Opinion of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) about Abu Bakr and Umar after they became Caliphs. 29. Abu Ya'la Mosuli tried to hide the Opinion of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) about Abu Bakr and Umar after they became Caliphs. 28. Ahmad bin Hanbal tried to hide the Opinion of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) about Abu Bakr and Umar after they became Caliphs. 27. Al-Bukhari tried to hide the Opinion of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) about Abu Bakr and Umar after they became Caliphs. 26. Ibn Abī Khaythama tried to hide the name of Banu Ummayah which was one of the clan most hated by Prophet (ﷺ). 25. Ahmad bin Hanbal tried to hide the name of Banu Ummayah which was one of the clan most hated by Prophet (ﷺ). 24. Ahmad bin Hanbal tried to hide the name of Hakam bin 'Aas in a narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) had curse him and his progeny ! 23. Qasim bin Salam distorted a narration in which Abu Bakr regretted attacking the house of Fatima (s). 22. Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted the narration about Umar bin Al-Khattab threatning to burn the house of Fatima (s). 21. Ibn Abdul Bar distorted the narration about Umar bin Al-Khattab threatning to burn the house of Fatima (s). 20. Distortion of a narration in which Companions of Mu'awiyah used to abuse Ali (as). 19. Distortion by Al-Bukahri of a narration in which a governer from Marwan's family was calling people to abuse Ali (as). 18. Distortion of the narration in which in presence of Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) was abused in Kufa ! 17. Distortion of a another narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba had appointed people to abuse Ali in Kufa. 16. Distortion of a narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba had appointed people to abuse Ali in Kufa. 15. Distortion of the narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba abused Ali on pulpit ! 14. Distortion of the narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba abused Ali on pulpit ! 13. Distortion of the narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba abused Ali on pulpit ! 12. Distortion of a narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba abused Ali on pulpit ! 11. Distortion of a narration in which Mu'awiyah was abusing Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as). 10. Another distortion of the narration in which Mu'waiyah had ordered S'aad Ibn Abi Waqas to abuse Ali ! 9. Another distortion of the narration in which Mu'waiyah had ordered S'aad Ibn Abi Waqas to abuse Ali ! 8. Ahmad bin Hanbal distort a narration in which Mu'waiyah had ordered S'aad Ibn Abi Waqas to abuse Ali ! 7. Ibn Abi Sha'ybah distorted a narration in which a companion Walid bin 'Uqbah drank wine ! 6. Distortion by Ibn Abi Sha'yabah in a narration where it is mentioned that Mu'waiyah took a forbidden drink 5. Another distortion in a narration where a companion was involved in selling Wine. 4. Another distortion in above narration where a companion was involved in selling Wine. 3. Another distortion in above narration where a companion was involved in selling Wine. 2. Distortion by Al-Bukhari in a narration where a companion was involved in selling Wine. 1. Distortion of Al-Haythami in a narration where it is mentioned that Mu'waiyah took a forbidden drink

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