Al-Baladhuri (Died 279 AH) narrated :
وحدثنا يوسف وإسحاق، قالا: حدثنا جرير، عن الأعمش، عن أبي وائل، قال: كنت مع مسروق بالسلسلة فمرت به سفائن فيها أصنام من صفر تماثيل الرجال، فسألهم عنها فقالوا: بعث بها معاوية إلى أرض السند والهند تباع له. فقال مسروق: لو أعلم أنهم يقتلونني لغرَّقتُها، ولكني أخاف أن يعذبوني ثم يفتنوني، والله ما أدري أي الرجلين معاوية، أرَجُلٌ قد يئس من الآخرة فهو يتمتع من الدنيا أم رَجُلٌ زين له سوء عمله
Abu Wa’il who said:
I was with Masruq at sea voyage when ships laden with idols and statues of men passed by so he asked them about it and they responded, “Muawiyah is exporting these to the lands of al Sind [Sindh] and al Hind [India] to be sold for him.”
So Masruq remarked, “if I knew they would kill me I would have sunk these (ships). However, I fear they will torture me and put me to test. By Allah, I do not know what kind of man Muawiyah is; is he a man who has no hope in the next life that he indulges in worldly vanity, or is he a man whose evil has appeared as adorned to him.”
Ansaab ul Ashraf - Al-Baladhuri // Volume 1 // Page 129 // Edn. Mous'sah Riyan Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
Ibn Jarir Al-Tabari (Died 310 AH) narrated same way via his own chain.
Tadheeb ul A'athr - Ibn Jarir Tabari // Volume 4 // Page 241 // Number 382 // Edn. Cairo Egypt.
Now same narration is quoted by Ibn Abi Sha'ybah (Died 235 AH) by same chain but he erased out the highlighted part in above narration in which it is mentioned that Mu'awiyah was involved in selling Idols to Sind/Hind.