Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Sha'ybah (Died 235 AH) narrated :
نا الحسن بن سفيان، قال: نا حماد بن سلمة، عن علي بن زيد، قال: نا أوس بن خالد، قال: كنت إذا نزلت على سمرة بن جندب سألني عن أبي محذورة، وإذا قدمت على أبي محذورة سألني عن سمرة بن جندب، فقلت لأبي محذورة: ما شأنك إذا قدمت عليك سألتني عن سمرة، وإذا قدمت على سمرة سألني عنك؟ فقال أبو محذورة: كنت أنا وأبو هريرة وسمرة في بيت فجاء النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فأخذ بعضادتي الباب، فقال: «آخركم موتاً في النار»، قال: فمات أبو هريرة، ثم مات أبو محذورة، ثم مات سمرة.
A'us bin Khalid says that when i would meet Abu Makhdura, he would ask about Samura; and when i would meet Samura he would ask me about Abu Makhdura. So i asked Abu Makhdura why it is so that when i meet u, u ask about Samura, and when i meet him, He asks about you. He said that I, Samura and Abu Huraira were in a house when Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) told us that the last one of us who would die will go to fire;
Narrrator says that the First one to die was Abu Huraira, Then died Abu Makhdura; and then died Samura.
Yaqūb bin Sufyan Al-Fasawi (Died 277 AH) also quoted same narration with same text.
Now when the same narration was transmitted by Al-Tabarani and Al-Bukhari in their books they distorted it to hide that Prophet (ﷺ) foretold about a Companion " Samura " that he will be in hell fire.
Al-Tabarani changed the text by replacing the name of Samura with word " A Man ".
Al-Bukhari (Master deciever) even went a step further by erasing the whole content where Prophet (ﷺ) had foretold about their death.