Abdur Razaq San'ani (Died 211 AH) narrated like this :
أخبرنا ابن عيينة، عن عمرو بن دينار، عن طاوس، عن ابن عباس قال: بلغ عمر أن سمرة باع خمراً، فقال: قاتل الله سمرة، أما علم أن رسول الله صلى اللهُ عليه وسلّم قال: قاتل الله اليهود حرمت عليهم الشحوم فجملوها فباعوها
Ibn Abbas narrated :
This news reached 'Umar that Samura had sold wine, whereupon he said: May Allah destroy Samura; does he not know that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: "Let there be the curse of Allah upon the Jews that fat was declared forbidden for them, but they melted it and then sold it" ?
Abdullah bin Zubayr Al-Humaydi (Died 269 AH) also mentioned it via same chain with exact same wording.
Musnad - Al-Humaydi // Page 9 // Number 13 // Edn. Dar ul Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah Beriut Lebanon.
Ahmad bin U'mro Al-Bazar (Died 292 AH) narrated same tradition with exact same chain but he tampered the name of companion by " Fulan - فلان "