Shia Pen


The meaning of "Maula" at Ghadir Khumm and the deception of Sunni scholarss

Hate of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) can change the status of a Narrator

Shoua’ib Arna’ut was a Syrian Scholar of Hadeeth who died in 2016
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Distortion in Books by Sunni Scholars

There is an old rule when it comes to deception " You need to distort
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Distortion by Sunni scholars in translating texts.

Lies of Ibn Taimiyyah against Shi'a Islam.

Lying is habit that has been one of the attributes of the Nawasib, tha
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Lies of Sunni scholars against Shi'a in their books.

Deception of Sunni Publishers in different editions of a single book.


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