Muslim bin Hajaj Neysaburi (Died 261 AH) narrated like this :
حدثنا أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة، ومحمد بن عبد الله بن نمير، وأبو كريب وألفاظهم متقاربة، قالوا: حدثنا ابن فضيل، عن عمارة، عن أبي زرعة، قال: دخلت مع أبي هريرة في دار مروان فرأى فيها تصاوير، فقال: سمعت رسول الله ﷺ يقول: قال الله عز وجل: ومن أظلم ممن ذهب يخلق خلقاً كخلقي؟ فليخلقوا ذرَّةً، أو ليخلقوا حبَّةً أو ليخلقوا شعيرةً
Abu Zur'a reported:
I visited the house of Marwan in the company of Abu Huraira and he found pictures there. whereupon he said: I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: Allah, the Glorious and Exalted, said: Who is a more wrongdoer than one who tries to create creation like Mine creation. Let him create an atom or a grain of wheat or that of barley.
Sahih - Muslim // Volume 5 // Page 482 // Number 2169 // Edn. Dar Al-Tasil Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
Same narration having same wording is narrated by Ahmad bin Hanbal (Died 241 AH).
Same narration having same words is narrated by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Sha'ybah (Died 235 AH).
Now the Al-Bukhari (Mudalis AlKabeer) narrated same narration he erased out first part in which images were hanging in the house of Marwan and then Abu Huraira narrated a tradition against his act.