27. Al-Bukhari tried to hide the Opinion of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) about Abu Bakr and Umar after they became Caliphs.

Muslim bin Hajaj Neysaburi (Died 261 AH) narrated like this :

وحدثني عبد الله بن محمد بن أسماء الضبعي، قال: حدثنا جويرية، عن مالك، عن الزهري، أن مالك بن أوسٍ حدثه، قال: أرسل إليّ عمر بن الخطاب، فجئته حين تعالى النهار، قال: فوجدته في بيته جالساً على سرير مفضياً إلى رماله، متكئاً على وسادة من أدم، فقال لي: يا مالُ، إنه قد دف أهل أبيات من قومك، وقد أمرت فيهم برضخ، فخذه فاقسمه بينهم. قال: قلت: لو أمرت بهذا غيري. قال: خذ يا مال. قال: فجاء يرفا، فقال: هل لك يا أمير المؤمنين في عثمان وعبد الرحمن بن عوف والزبير وسعد؟ فقال عمر: نعم. فأذن لهم فدخلوا، ثم جاء فقال: هل لك في عباس وعلي؟ قال: نعم. فأذن لهما، فقال عباس: يا أمير المؤمنين، اقضِ بيني وبين هذا الكاذب الآثم الغادر الخائن. فقال القوم: أجل يا أمير المؤمنين، فاقض بينهم وأرحهم. فقال مالك بن أوس: يخيل إلي أنهم قد كانوا قدموهم لذلك، فقال عمر: اتئدا، أنشدكم بالله الذي بإذنه تقوم السماء والأرض أتعلمون أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «لا نورِّث، ما تركنا صدقة»؟، قالوا: نعم. ثم أقبل على العباس وعلي، فقال: أنشدكما بالله الذي بإذنه تقوم السماء والأرض، أتعلمان أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال: «لا نورِّث، ما تركناه صدقة»؟ قالا: نعم. فقال عمر: إن الله جل وعز كان خصَّ رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم بخاصة، لم يخصص بها أحداً غيره، قال: {ما أفاء الله على رسوله من أهل القرى فلله وللرسول} -ما أدري هل قرأ الآية التي قبلها أم لا - قال: فقسم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بينكم أموال بني النضير، فوالله ما استأثر عليكم، ولا أخذها دونكم حتى بقي هذا المال، فكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يأخذ منه نفقة سنة، ثم يجعل ما بقي إِسوة المال، ثم قال: أنشدكم بالله الذي بإذنه تقوم السماء والأرض، أتعلمون ذلك؟ قالوا: نعم، ثم نشد عباساً وعلياً بمثل ما نشد به القوم: أتعلمان ذلك؟ قالا: نعم. قال: فلما توفي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال أبو بكر: أنا ولي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فجئتما تطلب ميراثك من ابن أخيك، ويطلب هذا ميراث امرأته من أبيها، فقال أبو بكر: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «ما نورث ما تركناه صدقة»، فرأيتماه كاذباً آثماً غادراً خائناً، والله يعلم إنه لصادق بار راشد تابع للحق، ثم توفي أبو بكر وأنا ولي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وولي أبي بكر، فرأيتماني كاذباً آثماً غادراً خائناً، والله يعلم إني لصادق بار راشد تابع للحق، فوليتها ثم جئتني أنت وهذا وأنتما جميعٌ، وأمركما واحد، فقلتما: ادفعها إلينا. فقلت: إن شئتم دفعتها إليكما على أن عليكما عهد الله أن تعملا فيها بالذي كان يعمل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فأخذتماها بذلك، قال: أكذلك؟ قالا: نعم. قال: ثم جئتماني لأقضي بينكما، ولا والله لا أقضي بينكما بغير ذلك حتى تقوم الساعة، فإن عجزتما عنها فرداها إلي.

It is reported by Zuhri that this tradition was narrated to him by Malik b. Aus who said

Umar bin al-Khattab sent for me and I came to him when the day had advanced. I found him in his house sitting on his bare bed-stead, reclining on a leather pillow. He said (to me): Malik, some people of your tribe have hastened to me (with a request for help). I have ordered a little money for them. Take it and distribute it among them. I said: I wish you had ordered somebody else to do this job. He said: Malik, take it (and do what you have been told). At this moment (his man-servant) Yarfa' came in and said: Commander of the Faithful, what do you say about Uthman, Abd al-Rabman b. 'Auf, Zubair and Sa'd (who have come to seek an audience with you)? He said: Yes, and permitted them. so they entered. Then he (Yarfa') came again and said: What do you say about 'Ali and Abbas (who are present at the door)? He said: Yes, and permitted them to enter. Abbas said: Commander of the Faithful, decide (the dispute) between me and this sinful, treacherous, dishonest liar. The people (who were present) also said: Yes. Commander of the Faithful, do decide (the dispute) and have mercy on them. Malik b. Aus said: I could well imagine that they had sent them in advance for this purpose (by 'Ali and Abbas). 'Umar said: Wait and be patient. I adjure you by Allah by Whose order the heavens and the earth are sustained, don't you know that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:" We (prophets) do not have any heirs; what we leave behind is (to be given in) charity"? They said: Yes. Then he turned to Abbas and 'Ali and said: I adjure you both by Allah by Whose order the heavens and earth are sustained, don't you know that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:" We do not have any heirs; what we leave behind is (to be given in) charity"? They (too) said: Yes. (Then) Umar said: Allah, the Glorious and Exalted, had done to His Messenger (ﷺ) a special favour that He has not done to anyone else except him. He quoted the Qur'anic verse:" What Allah has bestowed upon His Apostle from (the properties) of the people of township is for Allah and His Messenger". The narrator said: I do not know whether he also recited the previous verse or not. Umar continued: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) distrbuted among you the properties abandoned by Banu Nadir. By Allah, he never preferred himself over you and never appropriated anything to your exclusion. (After a fair distribution in this way) this property was left over. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) would meet from its income his annual expenditure, and what remained would be deposited in the Bait-ul-Mal. (Continuing further) he said: I adjure you by Allah by Whose order the heavens and the earth are sustained. Do you know this? They said: Yes. Then he adjured Abbas and 'All as he had adjured the other persons and asked: Do you both know this? They said: Yes. He said: When the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) passed away, Abu Bakr said:" I am the successor of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)." Both of you came to demand your shares from the property (left behind by the Messenger of Allah). (Referring to Hadrat 'Abbas), he said: You demanded your share from the property of your nephew, and he (referring to 'Ali) demanded a share on behalf of his wife from the property of her father. Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) had said:" We do not have any heirs; what we leave behind is (to be given in) charity." So both of you thought him to be a liar, sinful, treacherous and dishonest. And Allah knows that he was true, virtuous, well-guided and a follower of truth. When Abu Bakr passed away and (I have become) the successor of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him), you thought me to be a liar, sinful, treacherous and dishonest. And Allah knows that I am true, virtuous, well-guided and a follower of truth. I became the guardian of this property. Then you as well as he came to me. Both of you have come and your purpose is identical. You said: Entrust the property to us. I said: If you wish that I should entrust it to you, it will be on the condition that both of you will undertake to abide by a pledge made with Allah that you will use it in the same way as the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used it. So both of you got it. He said: Wasn't it like this? They said: Yes. He said: Then you have (again) come to me with the request that I should adjudge between you. No, by Allah. I will not give any other judgment except this until the arrival of the Doomsday. If you are unable to hold the property on this condition, return it to me.

Sahih - Muslim // Volume 5 // Page 36 - 38 // Number 1805 // Edn. Dar Al-Tasil Riyadh Saudi Arabia.

Now same narration is quoted by Al-Bukhari at two places and at both instances he distorted the text where Umar bin Al-Khattab mentions that Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) used to consider Abu Bakr as Liar, Sinfull, treacherous and dishonest by using words quoted below and the part in which Umar mentions the opinion of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) about Umar himself has been completely removed by Al-Bukhari.

Al-Bukhari mentions these words :

تزعمان أن أبا بكر كذا وكذا

Both of you believe Abu Bakr to be this and that.

Sahih - Bukhari // Volume 4 // Page 151 - 152 // Number 5358 // Edn. Risalah Al-Alamiyyah Beriut Lebanon.

تزعمان أن أبا بكر فيها كذا

Both of you believe Abu Bakr was like this.

Sahih - Bukhari  // Volume 5 // Page 208 - 209 // Number 7305 // Edn. Risalah Al-Alamiyyah Beriut Lebanon.

Distortion in Books by Sunni Scholars

50. Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted a narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) replaced Abu Bakr with Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) for propagation of a quranic chapter. 49. Al-Bukhari distorted a narration where a companion speaks against 'Uthman. 48. Al-Bukhari and Abu Ya'la Mosuli distorted a narration in which Asma bin Umais called Umar a Liar. 47. Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted a narration in which Ammar bin Yasir was abusing 'Uthman. 46. Muslim and Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted a narration in which Uthman bin 'Affan called Imam Ali (as) a misguided person. 45. Ibn Abi Sha'ybah distorted the narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) predicted that People will reveal their hate against Ali (as) after him death. 44. Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted a narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) predicted that People will reveal their hate against Ali (as) after his death. 43. Al-Bukhari distorted a narration in which Ibn Abbas says that Aisha had grudge of Ali (as). 42. Muslim and Khateeb Al-Baghdadi distorted a narration in which Ibn Abbas says that Aisha had grudge of Ali (as). 41. Ibn Hajr Asqalani distorted a narration in which some companions had hidden a narration of Prophet (ﷺ) about Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as). 40. Abu Ya'la Mosuli distorted a narration which depicts Abu Huraira was against Ali and his followers. 39. Al-Tabarani and Al-Bukhari distorted a narration in which it is proven that a Companion after death will go the hell. 38. Al-Bukhari distorted a narration to hide the name of Marwan whose house had pictures which was forbidden by Prophet (ﷺ). 37. Al-Tabarani and Abu Nu'aim Asfahani distorted a narration to hide the name of Mu'awiyah about who Prophet (ﷺ) had predicted that he will die outside Islam. 36. Ibn Abi Sha'ybah distorted a narration in which Mu'awiyah was seen selling Idols to people of Hind. 35. Abu Dawūd Sijastani distorted a narration in which Mu'awiyah was giving orders to haram acts. 34. Abu Dawūd Sijastani distorted a narration in which Mu'awiyah rejoiced at the death of Al-Hasan bin Ali (as). 33. Al-Tahawi distorted a narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) cursed 'Amr bin A'as. 32. Qadhi Abu Ya'la Al-Farra' distorted a narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) had cursed 'Amr bin Al-A'as. 31. Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal and Al-Bukhari distorted a narration in which Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) said that he had more right over Caliphate than Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. 30. Abu Bakr Al-Marwadhi tried to hide the Opinion of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) about Abu Bakr and Umar after they became Caliphs. 29. Abu Ya'la Mosuli tried to hide the Opinion of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) about Abu Bakr and Umar after they became Caliphs. 28. Ahmad bin Hanbal tried to hide the Opinion of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) about Abu Bakr and Umar after they became Caliphs. 27. Al-Bukhari tried to hide the Opinion of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) about Abu Bakr and Umar after they became Caliphs. 26. Ibn Abī Khaythama tried to hide the name of Banu Ummayah which was one of the clan most hated by Prophet (ﷺ). 25. Ahmad bin Hanbal tried to hide the name of Banu Ummayah which was one of the clan most hated by Prophet (ﷺ). 24. Ahmad bin Hanbal tried to hide the name of Hakam bin 'Aas in a narration in which Prophet (ﷺ) had curse him and his progeny ! 23. Qasim bin Salam distorted a narration in which Abu Bakr regretted attacking the house of Fatima (s). 22. Ahmad bin Hanbal distorted the narration about Umar bin Al-Khattab threatning to burn the house of Fatima (s). 21. Ibn Abdul Bar distorted the narration about Umar bin Al-Khattab threatning to burn the house of Fatima (s). 20. Distortion of a narration in which Companions of Mu'awiyah used to abuse Ali (as). 19. Distortion by Al-Bukahri of a narration in which a governer from Marwan's family was calling people to abuse Ali (as). 18. Distortion of the narration in which in presence of Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) was abused in Kufa ! 17. Distortion of a another narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba had appointed people to abuse Ali in Kufa. 16. Distortion of a narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba had appointed people to abuse Ali in Kufa. 15. Distortion of the narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba abused Ali on pulpit ! 14. Distortion of the narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba abused Ali on pulpit ! 13. Distortion of the narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba abused Ali on pulpit ! 12. Distortion of a narration in which Mugheera Ibn Sho'uba abused Ali on pulpit ! 11. Distortion of a narration in which Mu'awiyah was abusing Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as). 10. Another distortion of the narration in which Mu'waiyah had ordered S'aad Ibn Abi Waqas to abuse Ali ! 9. Another distortion of the narration in which Mu'waiyah had ordered S'aad Ibn Abi Waqas to abuse Ali ! 8. Ahmad bin Hanbal distort a narration in which Mu'waiyah had ordered S'aad Ibn Abi Waqas to abuse Ali ! 7. Ibn Abi Sha'ybah distorted a narration in which a companion Walid bin 'Uqbah drank wine ! 6. Distortion by Ibn Abi Sha'yabah in a narration where it is mentioned that Mu'waiyah took a forbidden drink 5. Another distortion in a narration where a companion was involved in selling Wine. 4. Another distortion in above narration where a companion was involved in selling Wine. 3. Another distortion in above narration where a companion was involved in selling Wine. 2. Distortion by Al-Bukhari in a narration where a companion was involved in selling Wine. 1. Distortion of Al-Haythami in a narration where it is mentioned that Mu'waiyah took a forbidden drink

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