Ahmad bin Sho'uaib Al-Nasa'i (Died 303 AH) narrated via his own chain a lengthy narration and it it following is written :
وبعث أبا بكر بسورة التوبة وبعث علياً خلفه، فأخذها منه فقال: لا يذهب بها رجل إلا رجل هو مني، وأنا منه
Prophet (ﷺ) send Abu Bakr with Surah Al-Tawbah and then sent Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) afte him and said : No one should do this except for that person who from me and I am from him.
Now same narration with same chain was narrated by Ahmad bin Hanbal (Died 241 AH) and Al-Hakin Neysaburi (Died 405 AH), They replaced the name of Abu Bakr by word " فلان (Someone)". because this narration revealed thar Ali (as) was more close to Prophet (ﷺ) than Abu Bakr.