Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Sh'aybah (Died 235 AH) narrated :
حدثنا أبو معاوية، عن موسى بن مسلم، عن عبد الرحمن بن سابط، عن سعد، قال: قدم معاوية في بعض حجاته، فأتاه سعد فذكروا علياً، فنال منه معاوية فغضب سعد، فقال: تقول هذا لرجلٍ سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول له ثلاث خصال لأن تكون لي خصلة منها أحب إلي من الدنيا وما فيها..
Sa'ad narrated that Mu'waiyah returned from one of his confrontations, and Sa'd entered upon him. They mentioned Ali and Mu'awiyah verbally attacked him. Thus Sa'd got angry, saying: "You said that about a man about whom I heard three traits and i would love to posses them at the cost of whole earth and whatever is present in it.
Now same narration is quoted by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Asim (Died 287 AH) with exact same chain but he cropped out these words
فذكروا علياً، فنال منه معاوية فغضب سعد
They mentioned Ali and Mu'awiyah verbally attacked him. Thus Sa'd got angry
A-Sunnah - Ibn Abi Asim // Page 608 // Number 1386 // Edn. Maktaba Al-Islami Riyadh Saudi Arabia.