Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Sha'ybah (Died 235 AH) narrated like this :
حدثنا شريك، عن أبي يزيد الأودي، عن أبيه، قال: دخل أبو هريرة المسجد فاجتمعنا إليه، فقام إليه شابٌ، فقال: أنشدك بالله، أسمعت رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم يقول: «من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه، اللهم وال من والاه وعاد من عاداه»؟ فقال: نعم. فقال الشاب : أنا منك بريء، أشهد أنك قد عاديت من والاه وواليت من عاداه. قال: فحصبه الناس بالحصى
Narrator says that Abu Huraira entered mosque and we gathered arround him, A young man stood up and asked him : Do you testify by name of Allah that you heard Prophet (ﷺ) saying : Whoever I am his Mawla this ‘Ali is his Mawla. Oh Allah, Love whoever loves him and be hostile to whoever is hostile to him, He replied : Yes.
Then that young Man : I dissociate myself from you and i bear witness you are hostile to those who love him (Ali Ibn Abi Talib [as]) and love those who are hostile to him.
Narrator said : Then people begun to hit him with stones.
As this narration clearly depicts that Abu Huraira was against Ali (as) and his followers, When Abu Ya'la Mosuli (Died 307 AH) narrated same tradition from Ibn Abi Sha'ybah, He cropped out last part where Young man is exposing Abu Huraira.