Ahmad bin Abdul Haleem famously known as Ibn Taimiyyah (Died 728 AH) was famous from his refutation of Allamah Al-Hasan bin Yusūf Al-Hilli (Died 726 AH) by his book " Minhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah ". The fact is he was very extreme in his refutation and even made personal slurs against the Shi'a Shaykh. Even sunni scholars themselves have accepted to this fact.
Ibn Hajr Asqqlani (Died 852 AH) says about his refutation :
لكن وجدته كثير التحامل إلى الغاية في رد الأحاديث التي يوردها بن المطهر وان كان معظم ذلك من الموضوعات والواهيات لكنه رد في رده كثيرا من الأحاديث الجياد التي لم يستحضر حالة التصنيف مظانها لأنه كان لاتساعه في الحفظ يتكل على ما في صدره والإنسان عامد للنسيان وكم من مبالغة لتوهين كلام الرافضي ادته أحيانا إلى تنقيص علي رضى الله عنه
But i have seen very prejudice when he was rejecting the narrations which were used by Ibn Mutahar, Although majority of them were fabrications and bad ones but while rejecting he rejected many good narrations about which he wasn't aware when writing that book beacuse he was relying on his memory and heart, But a human is prone to mistakes and the exaggeration in refuting the Rafidhi text has sometimes taken him to towards belittling Ali (ra).