Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) being a Guide (Hadi) of this Ummah and the distortions and attacks by Sunni scholars !

There is a Verse in Chapter Ra’ad of Quran and Verse number 7 saying :

” أنا المنذر ، ولكل قوم هاد ”

Surely you are only a Warner, and for every people there is a Guide

When we try to see the meaning of this Verse in context of Authentic Narrations from Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions. We find a Narration from Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) as following :

عن علي في قوله: إنما أنت منذر ولكل قوم هاد” قال : رَسُول الله المنذر و الهاد : رجل من بني هاشم

Ali ibn Abi Talib said about this verse : ” Surely you are only a Warner, and for every people there is a Guide ” Prophet is the Warner and the Guide is a Man from Family of Hashim (Banu Hashim).

Rawdhatul Dhani Ala Takhreej Mu'jam Sagheer by Tabarani // Vol 2 // Page 43 – 44 // Hadith 739 // Edn. Mosuwah Rayan Riyadh Saudi Arabia.

When we checked the Translated (Urdu) version of this book the translator has distorted the content and changed the meaning of Narration. He has done that by placing comma (:) Before the word Warner ( المنذر) instead of placing it after – He (Ali) said (قال)and after – Guide (الهاد) so that it’s meaning changed like this :

عن علي في قوله: إنما أنت منذر ولكل قوم هاد” قال رَسُول الله : المنذر و الهاد رجل من بني هاشم

Ali ibn Abi Talib said about this verse : ” Surely you are only a Warner, and for every people there is a Guide ‘ Prophet said : Warner and Guide is a Man from Family of Hashim (Banu Hashim).

Investigator of this book says in footnotes : This Narration is very weak and the Narrator in it Muhammad bin Marwan bin Abdullah Siddi is Liar

Mu'jam Sagheer – Imam Tabarani // Page 647 // Hadith 1114 // Edn. AlKitab International Delhi India.

So you can see he first distorted the meaning and then declared this Narration to be very weak due to Muhammad bin Marwan [Siddi] but in Reality Siddi here means Isma’el bin Abdur Rahman Siddi as said by Allamah Shouib Arna’ut (investigator of Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal) himself.

Note : Imam Ahmad has also quoted the original version of this narration with Comma (:) placing after -He (Ali) said (قال) and after – Guide (الهاد) which depicts that Warner is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Guide is an another Man from Banu Hashim.

Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal – Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal // Vol 2 // Page 306 // Hadith 1041 // Edn. Risalah Alamiyyah Beriut Lebanon.

Another investigator of this book " Ahmad Muhammad Shakir " declared it Authentic (Sahih).

Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal – Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal // Vol 2 // Page 48 // Hadith 1041 // Edn. Dar ul Hadeeth Cairo Egypt.

So this is proven beyond any doubt that in Original version of this Narration Warner and Guide are two different Persons. Former is Prophet (pbuh) and later is a Man from Banu Hashim.

As far as the Weakness of it’s chain is concerned that too is a lie because first Siddi here means Isma’el bin Abdul Rahman Siddi not Muhammad bin Marwan Siddi. Former is Reliable and later one is Weak even Liar. Ibn Hajr Asqalani says :

463 – Isma’el bin Abdur Rahman bin Abu Karema Siddi Kabeer……. He is Truthfull. He has been ascribed to Tashayyu.

6284 – Muhammad bin Marwan bin Abdullah bin Isma’el Siddi Sagheer……Ascribed to be a liar.

Taqreeb u Tahdeeb – Ibn Hajr // Page 147 – 535 // Edn. Dar ul Minhaj Riyadh Saudi Arabia.

Narrated by Marwadhi who asked Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal about Siddi [ Kabeer]. He replied : There is No Problem in him and he is Reliable.

Al-Ilal was Marefa Rijal by Marwadhi // Page 69 // Number 63 // Edn. Dar Ahmad Riyadh Saudi Arabia.

This is the reason why Pakistani Salafi Scholar Shaykh Zubair Ali Za’i has declared this Narration to he Good [ Hasan] in his Research of Tafsir ibn Kathir.

Note : Due to reliance on a Distorted version of this Narration. Investigator has said that Guide here means Prophet (pbuh) but we have already clarified that Warner ( Prophet ) and Guide (A Man from Banu Hashim) are two different persons.

Tafsir ibn Kathir – Ibn Kathir Dimishiqi ( Urdu) // Vol 3 // Page 39 // Surah Raed : Verse 7 // Edn. Aeteqaad Publishing House.

The Man from Banu Hashim is Imam Ali himself because in some chains there is clear wording that he himself is Guide.

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