Testimony of Shah Abdul Haq Muhadith Dehalvi that Ibn Hajr Makki was biased in his refutation to Shi'a.

Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ali Tamimi famously known as Ibn Hajr Al- Haythami Al-Makki p(Died 974 AH) wrote a book against Shi'a Islam by the name " Al-Sawa'iq al-muhriqah ". But this isn't free from bias as revealed by Ahl u Sunnah scholars themselves.

Shah Abdul Haq Muhadith Dehalvi (Died 1052 AH) writes about the above book :

"شیخ ابن حجر مکی در صواعق محرقہ کہ در رد شیعہ باوکد وجوہ واشدّ طریق کردہ ودادتشدد و تعصب دادہ است"

Shaykh Ibn Hajr Makki has refutes Shia by strong arguments but he went extreme and baised in it.

Takmeel Al-Eman - Abdul Haq // Page 61 // Edn. Mujtaba'i Delhi 1312 AH



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