2. Shamefull distortion by Urdu translator of Mu'jam Al-Kabeer.

Al-Tabarani (Died 360 AH) narrated via his own chain like this :

Narrated by Abu Dhar (ra) and Salman (ra) :

Prophet (ﷺ) grabbed the hand of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) and said :  The first to have faith in me, and he'll be standing in the front row with me on the Day of Judgement, he is the Great truthful one (Sideeq Akbar) & Distributor (Farüq) of this Ummah and Allah shall distinguish between truth and falsehood through him, He is the Chief of the Believers and Wealth is Chief of the Unjust"

You will note that the hadith entirety relates in is entirety to the merits of Imam Ali (as), Prophet (ﷺ) introduces Ali (as) to those present by grabbing his hand and extolling his virtues, the theme is Ali (as) and Ali (as) alone.

The crucial segment of the Arabic text is where Rasulullah ﷺ said:

فقال الا إن هذا أول من امن بي وهذا أول من يصافحني يوم القيامة وهذا *الصديق* الأكبر وهذا فاروق هذه الأمة يفرق بين الحق والباطل وهذا يعسوب المؤمنين والمال يعسوب الظالمين 

Unusually the Urdu translator tried to tamper with the text, whilst Imam Ali (as) is referred to as the Great truthful one (Sideeq Akbar), the translator adds the word "Abu Bakr is the Great truthful one" when there is no reference to Abu Bakr, neither in the text nor in terms of the hadith context.

The Urdu reads as follows:

" حضرت ابو ذر اور حضرت سلمان رضی اللہ عنہما فرماتے ہیں کہ رسول اللہﷺ نے حضرت علی رضی اللہ عنہ کا ہاتھ پکڑا ، فرمایا: یہ سب سے پہلے مجھ پر ایمان لایا اور قیامت کے دن مجھ سے سب سے پہلے مصافحہ کرے گا، " ابوبکر صدیق اکبر ہے"۔ یہ فاروق ہے اس اُمت کا، اس کے ذریعے حق اور باطل کے درمیان فرق کیا جاتا ہے، یہ علی ایمان والوں کے لیے سردار ہے اور مال ظالموں کا سردار ہے 

Mu'jam Al-Kabeer - Al-Tabarani // Volume 4 // Page 507 // Number 6061 // Edn. Progressive Books Pakistan.

This text proves that Imam Ali (as) is the great truthful one, alas it pained the Urdu translator to such an extent that he felt compelled to tamper with it and insert the name Abu Bakr instead and make him the great truthful one. This is wilful deception on the part of the shameless translator.

On the one hand these same people insist they love Imam Ali (as) and praise his merits, and yet when confronted with this clear merit they seek to hide it from their readership and gift it to Abu Bakr instead.

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