Jalal-u-Deen Suyuti (Died 911 AH) has recorded the following account:
أخرج اللالكائي في السنة عن ابن عمر قال جاء رجل إلى أبي بكر فقال: أرأيت الزنا بقدر؟ قال نعم قال: فإن الله قدره علي ثم يعذبني قال نعم يا ابن اللخناء أما والله لو كان عندي إنسان أمرت أن يجأ أنفك.
“Ibn Umar said: A man came to Abu Bakr and said: Do you see adultery as a decree (by Allah)? He said, ‘Yes’. He said, ‘So Allah has decreed for me and then alter He will punish me for it? He said, ‘Yes, son of uncircumcised woman. By Allah, if there were anybody with me, I would order him to cut off your nose’
Abu Bakar’s frequent use of vulgar words for others made Iqbal-u-Deen Ahmad who rendered the Urdu translation of Suyuti’s authority work so concerned that he expunged the words “Yes, son of uncircumcised woman” from the narrative and substituted it with something else and in this way he not only tired to save his Khalifa from the belief that adultery is from Allah but also the vulgarity shown by him:
“Ibn Umar said: A man came to Abu Bakr and said: Do you see adultery as a decree (by Allah)? He said, ‘Yes’. He said, ‘So Allah has decreed for me and then alter He will punish me for it? He said, ‘O one who stinks, by Allah if there were anybody with me, I would order him to cut off your nose’