6. Goosebumps of a Sunni scholar while Translating a Narration.

There is a Famous Narration about Imam Ali [a.s] in the books of our dear opponents by the name of ” Hadith of Wilayah ”

In this Narration the Prophet pbuh said about Imam Ali [a.s] :

” من كنت مولا فعلي مولا “

Our Sunni Scholars and Laymen translate it in a way so as to save their cult. But sometimes it is not so easy to change the meaning of Narration in such a way which suits you Stomach as your can supress the Truth but will never be able to Erase it !

Below is the Scan of Urdu Translation of Kitab Fadhail Sahabah of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and the Translation is done by one of the reputed Salafi Scholar of Pakistan ” Shaykh Naveed Ahmad Bashar ” Here is how he got goosebumps while translating a Hadith about Imam Ali [a.s]

حدثنا عبد الله قال حدثني أبي قثنا يحيى بن آدم قثنا حنش بن الحارث بن لقيط النخعي عن رياح الحارث قال‏ : جاء رهط إلى علي بالرحبة فقالوا السلام عليك يا مولانا ‏‎‏‎فقال كيف أكون مولاكم وأنتم قوم عرب‎‎‏ ‏‎‎قالوا سمعنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يقول يوم غدير خم من كنت مولاه فهذا مولاه‎‎‏ قال رياح فلما مضوا اتبعتهم فسألت من هؤلاء قالوا نفر من الأنصار فيهم أبو أيوب الأنصاري

He Translates this Narration in this way :

Riyah bin Harith narrates that some Group of people came to Ali [a.s] in a large plain area and begin to call him , ” Oh Our Leader [ He has translated Mawlana to Sardar which in English means Leader ] May peace be upon you.Ali [a.s] replied to them, ” You are Arabs How come i am your Leader. They said to him, ” We heard Prophet pbub saying in the Pond of Ghadir ” To Whom i am Friend, Ali is also his Friend [Now he has changed the meaning of Mawla to Friend ] Riyah added : When that group of people left , I followed them and asked who were they . People told me they were a group of Ansaar and Abu Ayub Ansari was among them.

Investigator of this Book Shaykh Wasiullah Abbas says : This Chain of Narration is SAHIH. This is also found in Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal [5/419].

Kitab Fadhail Sahabah – Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal [ URDU ] // Page 319-320 // Hadith 967 // Edn. Dar AlIlm Mumbai.

Notes :

So you can easily see how translator changed the meaning of same word in the same Narration only to save his Cult. For Ansaar including Abu Ayub Ansari Imam Ali [a.s] was LEADER in ist part and when it comes to Marf’u Narration on the basis of which they call him leader, The Translator is changing it to mere FRIEND.

Another point which must be pondered over this particular narration is that “The Only correct Translation of the word Mawla in this Hadith is LEADER because if we suppose the Ansaar meant ” Oh our Friend …. ” The Question is Why would Imam Ali [a.s] reply to them by saying that ” You are Arabs and How come i am your Friend ”

It makes absolutely No Sense !

This was the Reason the Salafi Translator felt Goosebumps while translating this SAHIH narration.

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