Qadhi Ayadah (Died 544 AH) has recorded the following account in in his Kitab Al-Shifa:
وروي ابن قانع القاضي عن ابي الحمراء قال قال رسول اللہ صلي اللہ عليھ وسلم لما اسري لي الي السماء اذا العرش مکتوب لا إله إلا الله ، محمد رسول الله ، أيدته بعلي
“Prophet (s) said: ‘When I went on Mirage I saw on the Pillars of Arsh an inscription, which I read and understood as “There is no God but Allah, Muhamad is the Messenger of Allah, I have supported him with Ali ”’.
Tragically we observe that the enemies of Ahlulbayt (as) could not absorb this, and deemed it more apt to remove the name of Ali (as) altogether and replace it with other wordings. Here we present scanned image from the Urdu translation of Qadhi Ayadah’s Al-Shifa.
“Prophet (s) said: ‘When I went on Mirage I saw on the Pillars of Arsh an inscription, which I read and understood as “There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah” : I was supported in this manner with honor through elevation’.