We will evidence this from the following esteemed Sunni wires:
It is in praise of the Shi’a of Ali that Allah (swt) sent down the following revelation:
“Those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of the creatures. Their reward from their Lord shall be everlasting gardens, below which flow rivers, they will abide there forever. Well pleased is God with them and they are well pleased with Him”
Quran 98:7
Muhammad bin Ali narrates in Tafsir ibne Jarir, Volume 33 page 146 (Cairo edition) that the Prophet (saww) said:
“The best of creations are you Ali and your Shi’as”.
Tafseer Durre Manthur
Jalaladin Suyuti, (849 – 911 AH) is one of the highest ranking Sunni scholars of all times. In his commentary of this verse, he records through 3 Isnaad (chains) of narrators that the Prophet (saww) told his companions that the verse referred to Ali and his Shia. Hadhrath Ali narrates in Tafsir Durre Mansur, Volume 6 page 379 (Cairo edition) “Have you not heard this verse:
“Their reward from their Lord shall be everlasting gardens, below which flow rivers, they will abide there forever”? This verse refers to you and your Shi’a, I promise you that I will meet you at the Fountain of Kawthur”.
Online Tafseer Dure Manthur: http://www.al-eman.com/Islamlib/viewchp.asp?BID=248&CID=545#s2 – (Cached)
The 3 Sahaba who narrated this Hadeeth are (1) Ali (as) himself (2) Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari (ra) (3) Abdullah ibne Abbas (ra). They are acknowledged by the majority school as truthful narrators of Hadeeth. Had this been in a Shi’a book, our opponents would have deemed it a forgery, but it’s presence in their own books has perplexed the minds of many of their scholars. There are no Hadeeth in which the Prophet (saaws) guaranteed paradise for a specific Sahabi and his followers, with the sole exception of Ali (as) and his Shi’a. Other Sunni scholars have also recorded this Hadeeth from Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari in their commentaries of the above verse.
Hadhrath Abdullah Ibn Abbas narrates:
“that when this verse descended the Prophet (s) Ali you and your Shi’a will be joyful on the Day of Judgement”
ibid. Jalaladin Suyuti
Ahmad ibn Hajr al Makki quotes from Imam Dar Qatany in his al Sawaiq al Muhriqah page 159 (Cairo edition):
“O Abul Hasan you and your Shi’a will attain paradise”.
We appeal for justice as we have cited 18 Sunni works that records that Maula ‘Ali (as) and his Shi’a will enter Paradise. If Nasibi raise any objection to these traditions we would then ask: ‘what forced your great Ulema to coin a tradition confirming Paradise for ‘Ali (as) and his Shi’a, and why did your Ulema support and interpret this Hadeeth in favour of the Ahl’ul Sunnah’? Why did you Ulema try to say that the real Shia are Ahl’ul Sunnah?
We read in Kafaya al Muttalib fee manaqib ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib page 246:
“Jabir narrates we approached the Prophet (s) and Hadhrath ‘Ali arrived. The Prophet (s) then said ‘Your brother is coming towards me’, he then raised his hands in the direction of the Kaaba and said ‘I swear by He who control my life, ‘Ali and his Shi’a will be successful on the Day of Judgement”.
We challenge the author of this article and the rest of his Nasibi brethren who stoke up anti Shi’a hostility wherever their filthy beards take them, to show us from your Saha Sittah any Hadeeth of the Prophet (s) wherein he had guaranteed Paradise for Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Mu’awiyah ALONGWITH their respective followers such as they will be successful on the Day of Judgement. If you can’t locate such a Hadeeth then the better approach would be to leave these individuals since their example is like of that beggar who enters a home asking for food and ends up occupying the house.
We read in Manaqib Khawarzmi:
“‘Ali narrates ‘The Prophet told me, you and your Shi’a will meet me at the Fountain of Kauthar”
We appeal to these Nasibi Mullahs, you keep on raising the issue of the Sahaba, these personalities will meet at the Fountain of Kauthar, whilst according to Sahih al Bukhari, Bab ul Haudh, the vast bulk of Sahaba will be driven away from it, evidence from this Hadith narrated by none other than Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, “While I was sleeping, a group (of my followers were brought close to me), and when I recognized them, a man (an angel) came out from amongst (us) me and them, he said (to them), ‘Come along.’ I asked, ‘Where?’ He said, ‘To the (Hell) Fire, by Allah’ I asked, ‘What is wrong with them?’ He said, ‘They turned apostate as renegades after you left.’ Then behold! (Another) group (of my followers) were brought close to me, and when I recognized them, a man (an angel) came out from (me and them) he said (to them); ‘Come along.’ I asked, ‘Where?’ He said, ‘To the (Hell) Fire, by Allah.’ I asked, ‘What is wrong with them?’ He said, ‘They turned apostate as renegades after you left.’ So I did not see anyone of them escaping except a few who were like camels without a shepherd”.
Sahih Bukhari, Hadith no: 8.587
Compare their fate with that of the Shi’a of Maula ‘Ali (as), who will meet Prophet (s) at the Fountain, anyone with sense would see that the better approach would be to join the ranks of the Shi’a of ‘Ai (as) and abandon the ranks of those Sahaba who went astray.
We read in Tafseer Tabari:
“Hadhrath Muhammad bin ‘Ali narrates ‘those people that are the best of creations’, the Prophet (s) narrates ‘O ‘Ali this refers to you and your Shi’a”
We challenge these Nasibis who have made it their sole objective to chant slogans of the Sahaba. You Nasibis deem Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Mu’awiya to be the best of creations, but unfortunately when we read your own camps commentaries of this verse we see that they are not included in this verse, sadly your ijmaa’ (consensus) of them being included in the verse, has no base when we analyse the Tafseer and Hadeeth commentaries of this verse, we suggest that you humbly acknowledge defeat!
We read in Sawaiq al Muhirqah:
“The Prophet (s) said ‘O ‘Ali, Allah has forgiven you, and your family and their family, and your Shi’a and their friends, I am conveying this good news to you”.
Ibn Hajr narrates from Ali [as] in Sawaiq al Muhriqah:
“Holy Prophet [s] said to Ali [as]: “O Ali! You will come infront of Allah. And your Shia will be pleased and liked (favourite) and your enemies will be tied up infront on him in anger.” And then Ali placed his hands behind his head on his neck to demonstrate in the manner his enemies will be tied up.”
Sawaiq al Muhirqah, page 519 (published in Faisalabad, Pakistan)
Ibn Hajr records this tradition from Imam Ahmed:
Holy Prophet [s] said to Hadhrat Ali [as]: “Are you not pleased with it that you will enter the heaven with Me, Hasan and Hussein and our descendents will follow us and our wives will follow our descendents and our Shi’a will be to the left and right of us”.
Sawaiq al Muhirqah, page 541 (published in Faisalabad, Pakistan)
IbnHajr records a similar narration from Imam Tabrani also, though he declares the narration having a weak chain, still he himself strengthens the narration with support of the narration from Ibn-e-Abbas.
Whilst salvation will be for the Shi’a of course deeds will differ amongst the followers. It is indeed part of the articles of faith of the Ahl’ul Sunnah that:
“Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) had once observed that as many as seventy thousand of his followers will be allowed entry in to paradise without any questioning”.
Islam: The Basic Articles of Faith – According to the Beliefs of the Ahl al Sunna wa al Jama’a – a Modern English translation of Bahar-e-Shariat Part One (Unnamed author) page 67 (First edition, Crescent Publishing, Rochdale 1998)
The question that one should ask is ‘Did the Prophet (saww) expand any further on who this blessed group would be?’ The answer is recorded by the Shafi scholar al Maghazli who records a tradition from Anas bin Malik, that he heard the Prophet (saaws) say:
“Seventy thousand people will go to heaven without questions, the Prophet then turned to Ali and said ‘they will be from among your Shi’a and you will be their Imam”
Manaqib Ali al Murtaza, page 184 by al Maghazli al Shafi’i
This is a very relevant question? Why did he (s) not say ‘Those that adhere to the Quran and Sunnah will be successful on the Day of Judgement?
The simple reason is because the Prophet (s) knew that the Ummah would split into groups after him, and he warned Sahaba that the religion will get split into 73 sects only one of which will attain Paradise. The Prophet (s) was also fully aware that each sect would deem itself to be the right one, adhering to the Qur’an and Sunnah. That is why it was incumbent on the Prophet (s) to pinpoint the leader of that group who’s every word and deed was in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah. This is why Rasulullah (s) gave the specific comments about Maula ‘Ali (as):
‘My hand and Ali’s hand are EQUAL in dispensing justice”
Taken from Manaqib by Ibne Maghazli al Shaafi page 98, this hadith can also be found in Kanz al Ammal Volume 11 page 604
‘Ali is with the Qur’an and the Qur’an is with ‘Ali, the two shall not separate until the meet me at the Fountain of Kauthar
Kanz ul Ummal hadith number 32912
“‘Ali is with the Truth and the Truth is with ‘Ali”
Kanz ul Ummal hadith number 33018
“Oh Allah, turn the truth in whichever direction ‘Ali turns”
al Mustadrak, Vol. 3, Page 124
We read in Tuhfa Ithna Ashari page 6, Part 1:
“The Ahl’ul Sunnah state that the original Shi’a refers to us, the appraisal of the Shi’a Sect on Hadeeth, refers to us not the Rafidis”
Maulana Waheed’uz Zaman in Lughaat al Hadeeth Volume 1 page 62 under the letter Alif, Zaman states:
“On one occasion I referred to the party of ‘Ali, and a Sunni stood up and objected, and commented ‘Perhaps you are a Shi’a’. I relied ‘Verily I am a Shi’a of ‘Ali, may Allah (swt) keep us with this group in this world and judge us with this group in the next world”.
Lughaat al Hadeeth, Vol 1 page 62, letter ‘Alif’, (Mir Muhammad Kutub Khana Karachi)
In his footnote of Tayseer al Bari fee Sharh Sahih Bukhari Volume 6 page 193 [printed in Karachi], he writes this commentary of the term Shi’a:
“O Allah raise us with the group of ‘Ali on the Day of Judgement, and when we raise may we remain firm footed in our love of ‘Ali and all the Ahl’ul bayt”
Tayseer al Bari Sharh Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, page 193
Ibn Hajr al Makki said in Sawaiq al Muhriqah:
“The Shi’a of the Ahl’ulbayt refers to Ahl’ul Sunnah wa al Jamaah, sine these are the people who have love the Ahl’ul bayt in the manner ordered by Allah (swt) and his Prophet (s), and the others are their enemies in reality, because the love that is out of the bounds of Shariah, and is misguiding, is not love, but hatred.”.
Sawaiq al Muhriqah, page 519 (published in Faisalabad, Pakistan)
We would like to ask these third class Nasibi who might seek solace from the comments of Ibn Hajr that how can these Hadeeth refer to them when their most esteemed work Sahih Bukhari only has 19 Hadeeth from ‘Ali while Sahih Muslim contains only twenty Hadeeth on his authority? Can then people really claim that they are the Shi’a of ‘Ali who adhere to his path?
Just look at the confusion of the Ahl’ul Sunnah. Sometimes they refer to themselves and at other points they issue Kufr Fatwas against the Shi’a, having become Nasibis. Scholars like Ibn Hajr made a false proclamation that it is them who are the Shia, their ancestors posed as Shi’a and sat in the midst of the Imams but were scheming against them. It was these individuals whom Imams condemned in Hadeeth literature (that Ansar.Org love to quote) and the verse condemning such Shi’as applies perfectly to them. Hadeeth that praise the Shi’a and verses refers to he true Shi’a the lovers of Maula ‘Ali (as), who deem ‘Ali the true rightful Khaleefa after the death of our Prophet s).
We have already cited this reference from Tauhfa Ithna Ashari page 27:
“The first Sect was the Shi’a, and these were the Salaf of the Ahl’ul Sunnah”
Tauhfa Ithna Ashari (Urdu) page 5, published in Karachi
Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi writes:
The title Shi’a was first given to those Muhajireen and Ansar who gave allegiance (bay’ah) to Ali (may Allah enlighten his face). They were his steadfast faithful followers during his (Ali’s) caliphate. They remained close to him; they always fought his enemies, and kept on following Ali’s commands and prohibitions. The true Shi’a are these who came in 37 Hijri”
Tauhfa Ithna ‘Ashariyyah [Gift to the Twelvers], page 27 (Urdu version published in Karachi)
Note: 37 Hijri -the year Imam Ali (as) fought Mu’awiya at Sifeen.
We read in Tuhfa page 6:
“The first Shi’a were the Sahaba and Tabi’een”
Imam of Ahl’ul Sunnah al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi had in fact referred Abu Hanifa as a Shi’a. He writes in Tuhfa Ithna Ashariyya page 25:
“Imam Abu Hanifa [r] was counted amongst the Shi’a of Kufa and he considered Zaid bin ‘Ali bin Husayn to be on the path of truth”
During that era Islamic sciences were being spread through the empire and students were benefiting from the teachings of scholars with differing views, far and wide. Students took the opportunity to gain knowledge from Ulema, in the same way Abu Hanifa learnt from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (as).
If we summarise these writings of the reputable Sunni scholars, the following summary conclusion can be reached: