YUSUFALI: And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and ye be witnesses for mankind! So establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity, and hold fast to Allah! He is your Protector – the Best to protect and the Best to help!
Al-Qur’an, Surah 22 Ayah 78
In this verse Allah (swt) is making reference that he has named the people as Muslims. And that this verse refers to the lineage of Ibraheem (as) specifically, hence the term ‘Abee Kum’ is used, which clearly implies that not all Muslims are the children of Ibraheem (as). We are Muslims because we are adherents to the Shari’ah of Ibraheem (as) (True Path). Unfortunately when we witness the state of current Muslims we see them suffering everywhere, and they are divided in all manners of factions and divisions. We have the guarantee of Allah (swt) that the religion would remain firm, which means that the true form of Islam must be present as well. Though searching it can be difficult, still it is incumbent on us all to locate that true path of guidance.
When one is searching for the truth, one encounters many sorts of problems, but it is not impossible to overcome such challenging problems. All we need is to see if Islam is indeed the firm and true religion, if so, then the key principles of Deen must always be present alongside it. When we analyse Islamic history it becomes clear that that the main schools of thought are just two:
1. Sunni
2. Shi’a
Other than these Sects the signs of the other schools were nowhere to be seen during the era of the Sahaba and Tabi’een. This means out of these two Sects one of them must be on the right path. When we wish to analyse the formations of these Sects the first thing that is looked at is where do these names originate from. The Qur’an makes no reference to Ahl’ul Sunnah wa al Jamaah, nor can we find this term from Hadeeth. On the other hand we see that the term Shi’a is used at numerous places in the Qur’an. In addition to that, Ahadeeth also make reference to the Shi’a.
The Shi’a are exclusive beneficiaries of having their name mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadeeth. The other Sects have not been bestowed with this honour. This is our claim and we are confident that no one can refute it. Unfortunately despite this, some of our opponents have sought to vigorously prove their Sect’s correctness from the Qur’an whilst attacking the Shi’a simultaneously. Alhamdolillah they have always failed in their efforts. Islamweb.com has sought to make a contribution via their outstanding article (which stands out of the bounds of logic and sanity) ‘The Shi’ah as mentioned in the Quran’. The article can be located here:
Islamicweb.com: The Shi’ah as mentioned in the Quran – (Cached)
The Nasibi author tried to show his genius by citing those Qur’anic verses wherein the word Shi’a has been mentioned negatively and then brilliantly applying the meanings to proves that the Shi’a are Kaafirs. We will Inshallah expose the lies of this Nasibi and show him the errors of his way by proving the appraisal of the Shi’a of ‘Ali (as) in the Qur’an and Hadeeth.