Amongst the Muslim Ummah, the Shi’a have the sole right to call themselves the Nation of Ibraheem (as)
The Nation of Ibraheem (as) are Muslims, and the true Deen is Islam.
The true Deen always remains whether hidden op open, and finding that Deen is incumbent on us all.
Research proves that the Sunni and Shi’a sects are the oldest, one of them has to be correct later sects cannot.
The term Shi’a as in group / sect appears at numerous points in the Qur’an whilst the term Sunni / Ahl’ul Sunnah wa al Jammah has not mean mentioned at any place, hence the term Shi’a is a Qur’anic one.
The famous and common term of Shi’a is lovers of ‘Ali
The Sahaba and Tabi’een were all called Shi’a and the term Sunni appeared much later.
The Shi’a left the group and out of stubbornness called themselves Ahl’ul Sunnah wa al Jamaah
Sunni based Prophetic traditions confirm salvation for the Shi’a of ‘Ali, no other Sect has been guaranteed such good news.
The Shi’a faith is proven from the Qur’an, Sunnah and books of History.