Shia Pen

2. Lie of Ibn Taimiyyah about Shi'a that they don't have ritual waiting period (Iddah) after divorce.

Ibn Taimiyyah in his famed book quoted Malik bin Maghul from his father against Shi’a Rafidah who said :

” and the Jews don’t wait for Iddah [ after Divorce ] for a woman and same is the case with Rafidah “

Minhaaj Sunnah – Ibn Tahmiyyah // Vol 1 // Page 9 // Edn. Dar ul Kutub ilmiyyah Beriut.

This is a clear lie from him on Shi’a Rafidah. Our Scholars from past upto this time have even documented in their books that Iddah [ Waiting period ] after the Divorce is Compulsory

Sayed Muhammad Kadhim Yazdi (Died 1337 AH) in his famed book says :

” It is not allowed to marry in the period of Iddah whether Permenent or Temporary Marriage….”

Urwat ul Wuthqa – Sayed Muhammad Kadhim Yazdi // Vol 2 // Page 649 // Edn. Ismailiyan Qom Iran.

Sheikh Nasir Makarem Shirazi (May Allah prolong his life) says in his book of Islamic laws :

” It is compulsory to wait for Iddah for a Divorced Woman “

Tawdhee AlMasa’il – Sheikh Nasir Makarem Shirazi // Page 595 // Edn. Iran.

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