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3. Lie of Ibn Taimiyyah that Prophetic saying " Ali (as) is Wali of every believer after me " is a fabrication.

Ibn Mutahar Hilli (Died 726 AH) quoted a Narration about Imam Ali (as) from Prophet (ï·º) like this :

وهو ولي، كل مومن من بعدي

"And you are the Wali of every Believer after me."

Hearing this Shaykh of Nawasib Ibn Taimiyyah (Died 728 AH) out of his frustration said :

كذب علي الرسول الله

This is a Lie on Prophet of Allah (swt).

Minhaj Sunnah – Ibn Tahmiyyah // Vol 7 // Page 173 // Edn. Dar ul Hadeeth Cairo.

So you can see he declared this part of Narration a Lie.

Let us see whether it is really a Lie or not.

1 – Imam Tirmidhi narrates this Hadith in his Book. After Quoting this Imam Tirmidhi says : This Hadith is Hasan Sahih ( Good close to Authentic)

2 – Salafi Scholar Shaykh Zubair Ali Za’i who Investigated this book says : This Hadith is Hasan (Good).

Jam’a Tirmidhi – Imam Abu Essa Tirmidhi // Page 1097 // Edn. Dar u Salam Riyadh.

3 – Imam Ahmad narrated this in his Fadhail Sahabah and Investigator of this Book Shaykh Wasiullah Abbas alMadani says : Chain of Narration is Hasan (Good)

Kitab Fadhail Sahabah – Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal // Vol 2 // Page 65 // Hadith 1035 // Edn. Dar Ibn Jawzi Riyadh.

4 – Imam Nasa’i narrated this in his book Fadhail Sahabah and Investigator Dr. Faruq Hamadah quoted Autentication from many Scholars like Ibn Hibban.

Kitab Fadhail Sahabah – Imam Nasa’i // Page 65 // Hadith 43 // Edn. Dar u Salam Cairo.

5 – Imam Hakim also mentioned this in his book and then Authenticated it on the Criteria of Sahih Muslim.

6 – Imam Dahabhi accepted his view by not commenting on his Research.

Mustradak Ala Sahihain – Imam Hakim with footnotes by Imam Dahabhi // Vol 3 // Page 119 // Hadith 4579 // Edn. Dar ul Kutub ilmiyyah Beriut.

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