Chapter Eight: The divine characteristics possessed by Ibn Taimiyah according to his followers


By now we feel that our readers will have a far better picture of the man that is the Sheikh ul Islam of the Salafis. We have exposed him from his own writings and also presented the opinions of Sunni Ulema that condemned him. Despite this the Salafis still worship him like some form of pagan deity and they have concocted the type of virtue for him that are indeed beyond belief.

Ibn Taimiyah could see what the Prophets could not see, without being informed by angels

We read in Al-Uqood al-Duria by ibn Abdulhadi al-Maqdisi, page 326:

ومثل هذا العارف قد يبصر ببصيرته تنزل الأمر بين طبقات السماء والأرض

“Such as this wise man he could cite the commandments that came down from the heavens and earth.”

Ibn Taimiyah foresaw the Muslims being defeated in battle

We read in Madarij al-Salekin by Ibn Qayim, Volume 2 page 489:

أخبر أصحابه بدخول التتار الشام سنة تسع وتسعين وستمائة وأن جيوش المسلمين تكسر وأن دمشق لا يكون بها قتل عام ولا سبي عام وأن كلب الجيش وحدته في الأموال : وهذا قبل أن يهم التتار بالحركة

He informed his companions about the invasion of the Tattars in Shaam in year 699 H, and that the Muslim army would be defeated, but there would neither butchery nor capture, the army would only seek money. This was (foretold) prior to the Tattar marching.


If the Shias attribute knowledge of the unseen to the Ahl’ul bayt (as) Imams they are deemed by the Salafis as kaafirs, yet they are at ease with attributing such powers to their filthy Shiekh ul Islam!

Ibn Taimiyah foresaw a Muslim victory in a future battle

Madarij al-Salekin, Volume 2 page 489:

ثم أخبر الناس والأمراء سنة اثنتين وسبعمائة لما تحرك التتار وقصدوا الشام : أن الدائرة والهزيمة عليهم وأن الظفر والنصر للمسلمين وأقسم على ذلك أكثر من سبعين يمينا فيقال له : قل إن شاء الله فيقول : إن شاء الله تحقيقا لا تعليقا وسمعته يقول ذلك قال : فلما أكثروا علي قلت : لا تكثروا كتب الله تعالى في اللوح المحفوظ : أنهم مهزومون في هذه الكرة وأن النصر لجيوش الإسلام

Then he told the people and the commanders in year 702 when the Tatars marched towards Shaam: that they (the Tatars) will be defeated and the victory will be for the Muslims. He gave seventy oaths on that.
They (the people) said to him: ‘Say inshallah.’
He replied: ‘Inshallah for sure, no comments.’
I heard him saying that when they (the people) insisted on him, he replied: ‘Do not insist, verily Allah wrote it in the Guarded Tablet that they (the Tatars) shall be defeated in this battle and the victory will be for Muslims’

Ibn Taimiyah foretold about his own fate

Madarij al-Salekin, Volume 2 pages 489-490:

ولما طلب إلى الديار المصرية وأريد قتله بعد ما أنضجت له القدور وقلبت له الأمور : اجتمع أصحابه لوداعه وقالوا : قد تواترت الكتب بأن القوم عاملون على قتلك فقال : والله لا يصلون إلى ذلك أبدا قالوا : أفتحبس قال : نعم ويطول حبسي ثم أخرج

When he was sent to Egypt and they wanted to kill him after they made a plot against him. His friends gathered to bid farewell to him and they said to him: ‘We have a succession of messages that they intend to kill you.’ He replied: ‘By Allah they will not be able to achieve that.’ They asked: ‘Will they put you in jail?’ He replied: ‘Yes, and I will be there for a long time, after that I will be released.’

We also read:

ولما تولى عدوه الملقب بالجاشنكير الملك أخبروه بذلك وقالوا : الآن بلغ مراده منك فسجد لله شكرا وأطال فقيل له : ما سبب هذه السجدة فقال : هذا بداية ذله ومفارقة عزه من الآن وقرب زوال أمره فقيل له : متى هذا فقال : لا تربط خيول الجند على القرط حتى تغلب دولته فوقع الأمر مثل ما أخبر به سمعت ذلك منه

When his enemy who is known as Jashengir became the king, they (people) informed him (Ibn Taimiyah) about that and said: ‘Now he has reached to his desire.’ Then he (Ibn Taimiyah) prostrated to Allah in sake of thanking.
They said: ‘What is the reason for this prostration?’ He replied: ‘This is the beginning of his ignominy and losing his power.’ They said: ‘When will that happen?’ He replied: ‘The army when it marches to al-Qurt, he will be defeated.’ Then it happened exactly as I had heard from him.’

Ibn Taimiyah unlocked people’s hidden objectives

We read in Madarij al-Salekin by ibn Qayim, Volume 2 page 490:

وأخبرني غير مرة بأمور باطنة تختص بي مما عزمت عليه ولم ينطق به لساني

On more than one occasion, he told me about internal things regarding me from the things that I wanted to do but my tongue didn’t mention them.

We read in Al-Alaam al-Alya by Salafi scholar Umar bin Ali bin Musa al-Bazar, page 57:

وكنت في خلال الايام التي صحبته فيها إذا بحث مسأله يحضر لي إيراد فما يستتم خاطري به حتى يشرع فيورده ويذكر الجواب

During the days when I was in his company, whenever he began to discuss an issue, and a question came to my mind, before I raised it, he would answer it.

We also read:

وحدثني الشيخ الصالح المقريء أحمد بن الحريمي أنه سافر الى دمشق قال فاتفق اني لما قدمتها لم يكن معي شئ من النفقة البتة وانا لا اعرف احدا من أهلها فجعلت أمشي في زقاق منها كالحائر فإذا بشيخ قد أقبل نحوي مسرعا فسلم وهش في وجهي ووضع في يدي صرة فيها دراهم صالحة وقال لي انفق هذه الآن وخلي خاطرك مما انت فيه فإن الله لا يضيعك ثم رد على أثره كأنه ما جاء إلا من أجلي فدعوت له وفرحت بذلك وقلت لبعض من رأيته من الناس من هذا الشيخ فقال وكأنك لا تعرفه هذا ابن تيمية

The pious Sheikh Ahmad al-Herimi told me that he traveled to Damascus and he said: ‘When I arrived, I didn’t have money to use and there wasn’t anyone there whom I knew. So I kept walking hesitantly through the streets. Then suddenly a Sheikh came towards me in a speedy manner. He smiled to me and placed a bag of money in my hand and said: ‘From now on, use it, and do not worry about anything, Allah will not let you.’ Then he went as if he had only came for me. Then I prayed for him and felt happy. Then I asked about the Sheikh with whom I had met on my way. They replied: ‘You don’t know him?’ He is Ibn Taimiyah.’

We read on page 58:

وحدثني الشيخ العالم المقريء تقي الدين عبدالله ابن الشيخ الصالح المقريء احمد بن سعيد قال سافرت إلى مصر حين كان الشيخ مقيما بها فاتفق أني قدمتها ليلا وأنا مثقل مريض فأنزلت في بعض الامكنة فلم ألبث أن سمعت من ينادي باسمي وكنيتي فاجبته وأنا ضعيف فدخل إلي جماعة من أصحاب الشيخ ممن كنت قد اجتمعت ببعضهم في دمشق فقلت كيف عرفتم بقدومي وأنا قدمت هذه الساعة فذكروا أن الشيخ أخبرنا بأنك قدمت وأنت مريض وأمرنا ان نسرع بنقلك وما رأينا أحدا جاء ولا أخبرنا بشيء
فعلمت أن ذلك من كرامات الشيخ رضي الله عنه

Sheikh Taqiuddin Abdullah son of Sheikh Ahmad bin Saeed said: ‘I traveled to Egypt when the Sheikh (Ibn Taimiyah) was residing there. I arrived there at night and I was very ill. Hence I visited some place. Then I heard a sound of someone calling me by my name and nickname. I answered, though I was feeling weak. Then a group belonging to the Sheikh (Ibn Taimiyah) that I had already met previously in Damascus entered. I said to them: ‘How do you know I arrived even though I arrived at this time?’ They replied: ‘The Sheikh (Ibn Taimiyah) told us that you arrived and you are ill and ordered us to transport you.’ Then I knew that this was a miracle from the Sheikh may Allah be pleased with him.

We read on page 59:

وحدثني أيضا قال أخبرني الشيخ ابن عماد الدين المقرئ المطرز قال قدمت على الشيخ ومعي حينئذ نفقة فسلمت عليه فرد علي ورحب بي وأدناني ولم يسألني هل معك نفقة ام لا فلما كان بعد أيام ونفدت نفقتي أردت أن اخرج من مجلسه بعد ان صليت مع الناس وراءه فمنعني وأجلسني دونهم فلما خلا المجلس دفع الي جملة دراهم وقال انت الآن بغير نفقة فارتفق بهذه فعجبت من ذلك

Sheikh ibn Emaaduddin al-Mutrez said: ‘I went to the Sheikh and I had limited money. I greeted him and he greeted me and welcomed me and didn’t ask me if I had money or not.’ After some days my money finished. Therefore I wanted to leave his class after praying with the people. But he held me back and when the people left he gave me some money and said: ‘You don’t have money. So use this.’ I wondered with regards to that.’

We read on page 60:

وحدثني الشيخ الصالح الورع عثمان بن احمد بن عيسى النساج أن الشيخ رضي الله عنه كان يعود المرضى بالبيمارستان بدمشق في كل اسبوع فجاء على عادته فعادهم فوصل الى شاب منهم فدعا له فشفي سريعا وجاء الى الشيخ يقصد السلام عليه فلما رآه هش له وأدناه ثم دفع اليه نفقة وقال قد شفاك الله فعاهد الله أن تعجل الرجوع الى بلدك أيجوز أن تترك زوجتك وبناتيك أربعا ضيعة وتقيم ها هنا فقبل يده وقال يا سيدي أنا تائب الى الله على يدك وقال الفتى وعجبت مما كاشفني به وكنت قد تركتهم بلا نفقة ولم يكن قد عرف بحالي أحد من أهل دمشق

Sheikh Uthman bin Ahmad bin Isa al-Nasaj said: ‘The Sheikh (ibn Taimiyah) was used to visit the ill people in a hospital in Damascus every week. Once he went to a young man and prayed for his quick recovery and he (the man) came to the Sheikh to greet him. When he (Ibn Taimiyah) saw him, he smiled for him and gave him some money and said: ‘Allah has cured you, so ask Allah to make you return to your homeland soon. Is it right to leave your wife and your daughter alone and residing there?’ Then he (the man) kissed his (Ibn Taimiyah) hands and said: ‘Oh sir, I repent before Allah through you.’ Then the man said: ‘I’m wondering from what he told me because I left them without money and no one knew about that amongst the people of Damascus’

Ibn Taimiyah foretold future events

Madarij al-Salekin, Volume 2 page 490:

وأخبرني ببعض حوادث كبار تجري في المستقبل ولم يعين أوقاتها وقد رأيت بعضها وأنا أنتظر بقيتها

‘He told me about some great incidents that will take place in the future. But he didn’t specify the time. Some of it I saw and I wait to see the rest.’

His followers’ actions in glorifying him

We read in Al-Uqood al-Duria by ibn Abdulhadi al-Maqdisi, page 387:

وشرب جماعة الماء الذي فضل من غسله واقتسم جماعة بقية السدر الذي غسل به وقيل إن الطاقية التي كانت على رأسه دفع فيها خمسمائة درهم وقيل إن الخيط الذي فيه الزئبق الذي كان في عنقه بسبب القمل دفع فيه مائة وخمسون درهما

A group of people drank the water that he left from his bath. Another group separated the remainder lot-tree leafs that he used in his bath. It has been said that the turban which was on his head was sold for 500 Dirham, it has been said that the string which contained quicksilver to protect him from lice was sold for 150 Dirhams. 


This was similarly recorded by his faithful student Ibn Kathīr in Al-Bidāya wa-n-Nihāya Volume 19 page 211


Today’s Salafis are fond of attacking what they deem Ghulat reverence of Shaikhs, such as kissing their hands, bowing out of respect before them, etc. They are similarly opposed to drinking juices distributed during Ashura processions in the name of Imam Hussain (as).  We would urge them to look at the practices in their own house, and issue appropriate edicts against the adherents of ibn Taymiyyah that drank the water used to wash his corpse.  Just look at how their ancestors revered Ibn Taimiyah! They even drank the filthy water wherein he bathed. If the Shi’a drink the clean water that our Imam Raza (as) caused to gush following a drought in Nishapur, such actions are Bidah. But drinking the filthy bath water of one of their scholars is a noble deed!

Ibn Taimiyah talking about himself

We read in Daqaeq al-Tafsir by ibn Taimiyah, Volume 2 page 142:

كما جرى مثل هذا لي كنت في مصر في قلعتها وجرى مثل هذا إلى كثير من الترك من ناحية المشرق وقال له ذلك الشخص أنا ابن تيمية فلم يشك ذلك الأمير أني أنا هو وأخبر بذلك ملك ماردين وأرسل بذلك ملك ماردين إلى مصر رسولا وكنت في الحبس فاستعظموا ذلك وأنا لم أخرج من الحبس ولكن كان هذا جنيا يحبنا فيصنع بالترك التتر مثل ما كنت أصنع بهم لما جاؤوا إلى دمشق كنت أدعوهم إلى الإسلام فإذا نطق أحدهم بالشهادتين أطعمتهم ما تيسر فعمل معهم مثل ما كنت أعمل وأراد بذلك إكرامي

As it happened to me when I was in jail in Egypt and also happened to many of the Turks in the East. He (Jinni) said to that person (human): ‘I am Ibn Taimiyah’. Hence he (the human) didn’t have doubts that it was me. He therefore informed the ruler of Mardin, who sent a messenger to Egypt to investigate while I was in the jail. Thus they wondered from that how it came about without I getting out from the jail. Well this is a Jinni who loves me. Therefore he does to Turks and Tatars as I used to do with them when they came to Damascus. I used to invite them to convert to Islam. So if any one of them pronounced the “Shahada” I would feed him. Therefore he (Jinni) did to them what I would do to them and he (Jinni) wanted through this act to honor me.

Ibn Taimiyah could restore health to a sick person

We read in Al-Alaam al-Alya by Umar al-Bazar, page 58:

وحدثني ايضا قال مرضت بدمشق اذ كنت فيها مرضة شديدة منعتني حتى من الجلوس فلم اشعر إلا والشيخ عند رأسي وأنا مثقل مشتد بالحمى والمرض فدعا لي وقال جاءت العافية فما هو إلا أن فارقني وجاءت العافية وشفيت من وقتي

He (Sheikh Taqiuddin Abdullah son of Sheikh Ahmad bin Saeed) also said: ‘I fell ill in Damascus and was so severely ill that I could not sit up. Then I felt the Sheikh (Ibn Taimiyah) standing over my head whilst I was suffering from fever and sickness. He prayed for me and said: ‘You will become healthy.’ When he left me I automatically got healthy.


Is it not amazing that if the Shias believe that the Imams of Ahlulbayt were granted some miraculous powers by Allah [swt] being the true inheritors of the Prophet (s), such beliefs are kufr according to Salafi cult but if the Imam of the Salafis did it, then it is acceptable.

The enemies of Ibn Taimiyah were engulfed in afflictions

We read in Al-Alaam al-Alya, page 62:

ومن اظهر كراماته أنه ما سمع بأحد عاداه او غض منه إلا وابتلي بعدة بلايا

“It is one miracle from his renowned miracles that whoever bore enmity towards him or insulted him was confronted with many afflictions.”

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