Chapter Six: The reason which made Nawasib to contaminate the Shia belief of Bada’


The Nasibi slander against Allah (swt)

After reading previous chapters, now readers must be wondering as to which virus struck the Nasibi stomach that caused them indigestion to the Shia belief of Bada’ when the Ulema of Ahle Sunnah believe in it albeit with different terminology. The actual reason that Nawasib like that of Sipah Sahabah ( attack the Shia belief of Bada’ is on account of ‘frustration’. Their ulema have left behind for them such absurd and blasphemous beliefs in respect to the Creator of the entire universe, Allah (swt), that these adherents had no other choice to attack the Shia to save themselves. In this campaign, those of our readers who are fond of internet surfing would have come across the following reference from various Nasibi websites:

“Bada’h”; ALLAH tells a lie. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No.1, Page No. 148. A Shia doctrine.)

Whilist we have proven that nobody subscribes to the view that Bada’ means to lie, rather it means a change in Taqdeer by Allah (swt) we have substantiated the fact that the Sunni Ulema also uphold this belief and it can be evidenced from the Holy Quran also. The Nawasib paint a fictitious picture of this doctrine by ‘telling lies’ about Bada’ to cover up their own filthy belief epitomised by Shah Ismaeel Shaheed. Shah Ismail quotes someone saying:

“Impossibility is a defect, and a defect in Allah is impossible”

Then he replies:

“If ‘impossible’ is related to the abilities of Allah within His being, that this isn’t within the fold of Allah’s power. Then we do not accept it. The mentioned lie (about Allah) that can Allah make a false introduction about an event or a complete false event itself and then reveal it on angels or prophets, then this is possible, because then it would mean that the abilities of a man are more than that of Allah, because such a thing (telling a lie) is within the fold of the abilities of a human being.”

Yak Rowza, page 217

Trying to console an adherent inquiring about the blasphemous statement of their pioneer Deobandi Imam Imdadullah Mujahir Makki, Maulana Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi further confuses him by stating:

“A copy of the letter by Haji Imdadullah Sahib Muhajir Makki, in connection to the possibility of telling a lie by Allah Almighty, for clearing doubts of Maulvi Nazir Ahmed Sahib Rampuri.
Doubt: It is written in “Buraheen al-Qate’a” that Allah can tell a lie”.

Then a few lines further in his attempts to clarify the doubts of the inquirer, Gangohi says:

“It is the belief of all Muslim researchers, the saints and scholars that telling a lie is within the jurisdiction of the abilities of Allah (swt), your doubts have been clarified, no one is of the belief of its occurrence. This is a complex issue and not something to be said in front of common masses.”

’Fatawa Rasheediyah’ by Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, page 237

More references:

1. Talefat-e-Rasheed, page 98 Kitab-Aqaid
2. Tazkarah Khaleel, page135
3. Al-Jahad Al-Maqal, page 41

And we want to send a message directly to the ignorant Nawasib of ( at this point:

“O illegitimate progeny of Yazeed! If the meaning of the word Bada is ‘to lie’ like what you deceitfully attribute to the Shi’a then that term has been used in exactly the same manner in Sahih Bukhari. Will you according pass the relevant takfeer edict against:

a) the Prophet of Islam (s) and Abu Hurariah who narrated that statement,
b) Imam Bukhari who recorded this kufr belief in his Sahih
c) Ibn Hajar, Badruddin Aini, Qastalani and Ibn Atheer who provided the same commentary for the word Bada that the Shia advance

Clearly you can only set your sights on the Shi’a when you have cleared your house if the above kufr beliefs, so kindly issue takfeer against them and then come back to us!”

Then by using the non-controversial belief of Bada’ i.e. change in Taqdeer by Allah (swt), these filthy Nawasib try to prove that Shia believes that Allah (swt) is ignorant as to what to do that is why he needs to change the decision He (swt) previously. We have already rejected such assertion since:

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said: ‘Bada’ never takes place with Allah (swt) due to a lack of knowledge [ignorance]”
Usool al-Kafi, Volume 1, Kitab al-Tawheed, Baab al-Bada’, Hadith # 10

Let us now reveal the reason that made Nawasib attribute such an absurd belief to the Shia of Ahlubayt (as). The famed Deobandi scholar Maulana Hussain Ali records in his authority work ‘Balagat-ul-Hayran’ about Mutazzilah; one of the sects of Ahle Sunnah:

“Allah doesn’t know what His believers are going to do but when they commit their deeds, He knows.”

Tafseer Balagat-ul-Hayran by Maulana Husain Ali, Pags157-158 (Published By: Himayat-e-Islam press Lahore)

For those who may give a feeble attempt to disown Mutazzilah amongst Ahle Sunnah, we may remind them of the words of their master Imam Ibn Tamiyah who testified that its not the case:

أن دعواه على جميع أهل السنة المثبتين لإمامة الخلفاء الثلاثة أنهم يقولون بالقياس دعوى باطلة فقد عرف فيهم طوائف لا يقولون بالقياس كالمعتزلة البغداديين وكالظاهرية كداود وابن حزم وغيرهما وطائفة من أهل الحديث والصوفية

“The claim (of the Shi’a Ulema) that all the groups of Ahl’ul Sunnah seek to prove the Khilafat of the first three caliphs on Qiyas (conjecture) is false because there are sects that don’t rely on Qiyas such as the Mutazzalite of Baghdad, and the Dhareeya such as Dawoud and ibn Hazm and others and sects of Ahlluhadith and Sufia”
 Minhaj as Sunnah, Volume 3 page 401

So we just saw how cleverly these pathetic Nawasib accuse Shias of Ahlulbayt (as) of committing blasphemy against Allah (swt) by using the belief of Bada as a proof while we have already proved that the belief of Bada is totally Islamic and its Jews and Nawasib who oppose it, but we always get surprised on the shamelessness of the Nawasib when we read the following belief they up hold regarding Allah (swt).

الإيمان بالله وملائكته وكتبه ورسله والقدر خيره وشره من الله

Iman is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, qadr, the good and the evil is all from Allah
 Musnad Abu Hanifa, page 152

Alhamdulilah, according to Shia belief, Allah (swt) is the source of mercy, blessings and good but according to our opponents, thier concept of God is the one who is the source of evil as well and yet they yap at Shias for believing in Bada which has roots in Quran and Sunnah!


The internet over the years has seen another deceit of the Nasibis, who in their hatred of Shias do not even care about their own respect. Being humiliated in debate forums, they still haven’t stopped their evil act of copy/pasting one liners supposedly from Shia books, like:

Nawasib state:

Bada’h”; ALLAH tells a lie. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No.1, Page No. 148. A Shia doctrine.)

The team challenges them if any devious Nasibi website, or even common Nasibi provides a scanned page of this one liner about Bada’ from Al-Kafi having the word ‘lie’, the AA team will close down the website and become Sunnis. If the liars who forged this one liner and lied on the Shia book, cannot produce the scanned page (which they will never be able to do), then we leave it to them and our readers to decide on what their stance should be about such people.

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