
Imam Dhahabi while writing about al-Juwayni al-Hamwayni says:

وسمعت من الإمام المحدث الأوحد الأكمل فخر الإسلام صدر الدين إبراهيم بن محمد بن المؤيد بن حمويه الخراساني الجويني شيخ الصوفية قدم علينا طالب حديث وروى لنا عن رجلين من أصحاب المؤيد الطوسي وكان شديد الاعتناء بالرواية وتحصيل الأجزاء حسن القراءة مليح الشكل مهيبا دينا صالحا وعلى يده أسلم غازان الملك مات سنة اثنتين وعشرين وسبع مائة وله ثمان وسبعون سنة رحمه الله تعالى

“I heard (hadith) from the superior, the most perfect Imam and Muhadith, pride of Islam; Sadr al-deen Ibrahim bin Muhammad Al-Mouayed bin Hamweh Al-Khurasani Al-Juwayni, the Sheikh of Sufis, he came to us to obtain hadith and he narrated for us from two men who were Al-Muayed Al-Tusi’s companions, he (Hamweni) was too careful in obtaining the traditions, he was a good reciter, good looking, magisterial, pious and through him Ghazan the king converted to Islam, he died in year 722 in the age of 78. May Allah have mercy on him.”
Tadhkirat al-Huffaz, Volume 4, page 298

Same has been quoted by Allamah Ibn Imaad Hanbali in his famed work ‘Shadraat al-Dhahab’:

“Al-Dahabi said came to us ‘the Sheikh of the Sheikhs’ Sadruddin Ibrahim bin al-Sheikh Saaduddin bin Hamaweh al-Juwayni, to obtain hadith, he heard a lot and narrated a lot from Muayed aldeen al-Tusi’s companions, he told that the king of the Tatars ‘Ghazan bin Arghuon’ was convert to Islam by him, through his deputy Noruz, it was a renowned day”
Shadraat al-Dhahab fi Akhbaar min Dhahab, Volume 5 page 428

Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani records a detail account about this great Shaf’ii/Sufi scholar:

Ibrahim bin Muhammad Al-Juwayni bin Al-Muayed bin Hamweh Al-Juwayni Sadr al-Deen Abu Al-Mejama’a ibn Saad Al-Deen the Shaf’ii, Sufi, was born in year 44 and heard (hadith) from Uthman bin Al-Mwafaq the companion of Al-Muayed Al-Tusi and he narrated to Ali bin Anjab, Abdul Samad bin Abi Al-Khair, Ibn Abi Denye and narrated a lot from the people of Iraq, Sham and Hijaz. He extract traditions for himself and heard (hadith) in Hela, Tabriz, Amul, Taberstan, Shubak, Al-Quds, Karbala, Qazueen, Mashhad Ali and Baghdad, he traveled a lot and was interested in that (collecting hadith), he wrote and obtained (hadith). He was faithful, dignified, good looking and good reciter. Through him Ghazan converted to Islam, he arrived to Damascus in year 95 to obtain hadith, in year 21 he went to Hajj and gathered with Al-Ala’ei. Al-Zaheer Al-Kaazroni mentioned in his history book that in year 71 Sadr Al-Deen Abu Al-Mejama’a married the daughter of Al’a Al-Deen the author of Al-Dewan and the sedaq was five thousand golden Dinar. He also mentioned that he was authorized (to narrate) by the author of ‘Al-Hawi Al-Saghir’ , Al-Ez Al-Harani, Ibn Abi Umar, Abdullah bin Dawood bin Al-Fakher, Badar Al-Deen Muhammad bin Abdulrazaq bin Abi bakr bin Haydar, Imam Al-Deen Yahya bin Hussain bin Abdulkarim, Badar Al-Deen Iskandar bin Saad Al-Tawoosi and they permitted him from Qazween and he was also permitted by Afifa Al-Farqanya.
al-Durr al-Kaminah, Volume 1, page 20

Allamah Ismaeel Basha al-Baghdadi records:

“Faraid al-Samtain fi fadhail al-Murtadha wa al-batool, by Abi Abdullah Ibrahim bin Saaduddin Muhammad bin abi Bakr bin Muhammad bin Hamweiah bin Muhammad al-Juwayni, who is known as al-Hamaweh”
Al-Ezah al-Maknun, Volume 2 page 182
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Umar Raza Kahalah records:

ابراهيم الجويني ( 644 – 722 ه‍ ) ( 1246 – 1322 م ) ابراهيم بن محمد بن ابي بكر بن محمد حمويه الجويني ، الشافعي ( أبو اسحاق ) من محدثي خراسان . مات في خامس المحرم . له من المصنفات : فرائد السمطين في فضائل المرتضى والبتول والسبطين .

Ibrahim al-Juweni (644 – 722 H)(1246 – 1322 AD) Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakar bn Muhammadd Hamweh al-Juweni, Shaf`ii (Abu Ishaq) among the muhadatheen of Khurasan. Died on 5th of Muharram. Among his books: ‘Faraid al Simtayn fi Fadail al-Murtuza wa Batul wa Sibtayn”.
Mu`ajam al-Mu`alafeen, Volume 1
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The whole Al-Juwayni family was known Shaf’ii scholars. Ibn Asakir in his esteemed work ‘Mua’ajam Al-Sheiokh’ mentions the name of some of the scholars who are from Ibn Hamweh Al-Juwayni family:

Narrated Abdul Samad bin Hamweh bin Muhammad bin Hamweh Abu Sa’ad Al-Juwayni the Sufi…
(No. 725)

Narrated Muhammad bin Hamweh bin Muhammad bin Hamweh Abu Abdullah Al-Juwayni the Sufi jurist…
(No. 1179)

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The above excerpts shall suffice to know the standing of the aforesaid Sheikh of Imam Dhahabi hence Nawasib like that of Sipah-e-Sahabah (kr-hcy.com) shall not make any attempt to prove him weak for their school by using Shia sources because according to their own sources their Imams (Dhahabi and Asqalani) recorded about him from his birth till his death and they didn’t state any objection against him at any point of his life rather they gave him colossal titles of ImamMuhadith and pride of Islam. We say so because a few Nasibi individuals are found citing the text of Shia scholar Aqa Buzurg Tehrani’s work Zayl Kashf al-Zanun, page 70 in an attemp to throw suspicions about Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Juwayni. Aqa Buzurg Tehrani records:

الحمويني الذي اسلم على يده السلطان محمود غازان في سنة 694 وتشيع أخيرا

“King Mahmood Ghazan who converted to islam through al-Hamweni in year 694 and then lastly he converted to Shia”

We further read:

لكن أظهر التشيع أخوه الشاه خدا بندة

“But his brother Shah Khudabanda made his Shiasm apparent”
Zayl Kashf al-Zanun, page 70

Ghazan the King converted to (Sunni) Islam through Ibrahim al-Juwayni al-Sufi al-Shafii which as we have already seen recorded by Sunni scholars too and then Ghazan’s brother Khudabanda was converted to Shia madhab through a Shia scholar Allamah Heli and eventually Ghazan also became Shia. So what it has to do with Ibrahim al-Juwayni al-Shaf’ii? Nawasib really needs to take a break!
It so happened that Khudabanda was a Hanafi and was looking for the solution in a matter of divorce and hence he gathered the scholars of all four Sunni madhabs but they were unable to solve the problem yet on the advice of one of his ministers, he consulted a Shia scholar Allamah Heli and after meeting him, Khudabandeh converted to Shia. This episode is written in various Sunni books with some difference of words for example Ibn Hajar Asqalani recorded it in ‘Dur al-Kaminah’ Volume 2 page 472, Ibn Tamiyah in ‘Minhaj al Sunnah’ Volume 1 page 37 and Zaibuddin bin Umar al-Wardi in ‘Tarikh al-Wardi’ Volume 2 page 381.
For Example Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani recorded the following:

“Muhammad bin Arghon bin Ebghaneb Holako bin Tauli bin Jankizkhan al-Mughali, Sultan Ghyath al-Deen al-Qan who is known as khodaBanda, the public pronounce it Kharbandeh which in Arabic means ‘slave of God’. He ruled Iraq, Khorasan and Adarbijan after his brother Ghazan, he was born in year 70 and some. He was good looking but he was one eyed, he was a good Muslim but the Imamies played with his mind so he became Rafidhi.”

Moreover the very category of Nasibi individials also bring another Shia work ‘Ayan al-Shia’ by Allamah Ameen al-Amili wherein Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Juwayni al-Sufi is mentioned, but we see that al-Ameen al-Amili wrote nothing different about him and he too mentioned the very fact that Al-Juwayni was a Sufi.
see Ayan al-Shia

Finally, the very category of Nawasib resolves to stick to their ancestral habit of distorting the facts and hence come up with the exaggerated notion that their Imam Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Juwayni studied under the teaching of two Shia scholars, while the actual fact is:

فممن يروى عنه الخواجه نصير الدين الطوسى اجازة في ذي حجة 672، وهى سنة وفاته، ويروى عن الشيخ سديد الدين يوسف بن على بن المطهر الحلى، والد العلامة،

“Amongst those he (Juwaini) narrates from are al-Khawaja Naseer al-deen al-Tusi and Sheikh Sadid al-Deen Yusuf bin Ali bin al-Mutahar al-Heli, the father of the Allamah.”
“al-Zariy’a” by Aqa Buzurg Tehrani, Volume 16 page 136

In the end, we would like to reiterate the fact that Nawasib shall not try to deceive themselves and as well as other naive Sunni muslims by using ‘Shia sources’ in case of Ibrahim al-Juwayni while their esteemed scholars Imam Dhahabi and Imam Asqalani recorded about him from his birth till his death and they didn’t state any objection against him at any point of his life rather they gave him colossal titles of ImamMuhadith and pride of Islam.