Shia Pen


Umar Raza Kahalah records about him:

Abdul Rahman al-Jaami (817 – 898) (1414 – 1492) Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Sherazi, who is known as Jaami ( Nur al-deen, Abu al-Barakat ) a scholar participated in logical and traditional knowledge. He was born in Jaam in the 23th of Sh’aban, he grew up in Herat and lived for most of his life there and there he died on the 18th of Muharam. Some of his books: Tafseer of the Holy Quran, al-Dura al-Fakhera fi Tahqiq Madhab al-Sufin wa al-hukama wa al-Mutakalmin, Tarikh Herat, Sharh al-kafya of ibn al-Hajeb in Arabic grammar, Sharh al-Naqaya mukhtasar al-Waqaya in Hanafi Fiqha”
Mu’jam al-Mu’alfeen, Volume 5
Download the book from Online Salafi Library, (MS Word page No. 65) – Cached

Haji Khalifa in his famed biographical work ‘Kashf al-Zanun’ records about Maulana Jaami:

“Silsilat al-Dahab (chain of gold); Persian language book written by Maulana Nooruddin Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad al-Jaami who died in the year 898, this book is about disgracing the Imamia and Rafidha sect”
Kashf al-Zanun, Volume 2 (MS Word, Doc page No. 60)

At anther place Haji Khalifa recoded:

“Shawahid al-Nubuwah by Maulana Noor al-deen Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad al-Jaami who died in the year 898, in the beginning (of the book) there is Praise be to Allah who sent messengers as the givers of good news and as warners …etc it contain introduction and seven chapters, it had been translated by Mahmood bin Uthman who passed away in year 938 and titled as Lamei, even it had been translated by Muwla Abdul Halim bin Muhammad who is known as Akhi Zada, who passed away in the year 1013 and this translation is better than al-Lamei, with easy phrases.”
Kashf al-Zanun, Volume 2 (MS Word, Doc page No. 136) – Cached

Allamah Ibn Imaad Hanbali (1032 to 1089) records in his authority work:

“Al-Imam al-Arif biallah Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad al-Jaami, was born in Jaam part of Khorasan, he obtained logic and Sharya knowledge perfectly, then he joined Sufi Sheikhs and learned ‘Dikr’ from Sheikh Saad al-deen Kasheghri, he joined Khawaja Ubaidllah al-Samarqandi and belonged to him completely, in his books he used to mention many of Khawaja Ubaidllah’s virtues.”
Shadraat al-Dhahab fi Akhbaar min Dhahab, Volume 7 page 360 – Cached

Al-Khair al-Deen al-Zarkali (d. 1410) records:

al-Jaami (817 – 898) (1414 – 1492) Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Jaami, Noor al-Deen: Mufasir (commentator), pious, was born in Jaam (a country beyond the river) then moved to Herat, obtained knowledge and joined the company of Sufi Sheikhs, he went to hajj in year 877, then he traveled around the countries and then returned to Herat and there he died.
He wrote Tafsir al-Quran, Sharh Fusus al-Hukam (commentary on Ibn Arabi’s book), Sharh al-kafia (commentary on Ibn al-Hajeb’s book) this commentary is the best commentary and he titled it as al-Fawaed al-Dhay’a, al-Durrar al-Fakhera fi al-Tesauf wa al-Hekma, Sharh al-Risala al-A’adhia and others, he authored books in the Persian language as well.

Al-Alaam, Volume 3 page 296
Al-Alaam from, (MS Word, Doc page No. 556) – Cached

Yusuf Alyan Sarkis recorded:

“Nuruddin mullah Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad ibn Ahmad al-Jaami al-Naqshbandi, was born in Jaam, it is a state beyond the river, his father Shamsuddin Ahmad was a renowned man in knowledge and piety, he moved from his home land Isfahan to Jaam because of the incidents, then he moved to Herat, his son Nuruddin worked in the beginning in logic and texts field, he excelled in that field, then a propagator provided an offer to him, so he took the company of Sufi Sheikhs and made hajj pilgrimage in year 877, he visited Damascus, Halab and other cities in Shaam and their scholars praised him. He died in Herat”
Mu’jam al-Matbuaat al-Arabiya, Volume 1 page 671 – Cached

Allamah Ismaeel Basha Baghdadi (d. 1339) records about the works of Maulana Noor-aldeen al-Jaami:

Al-Jaami Abdulrahman bin Nedham aldeen Ahmad al-Ghulami Nooruddin al-Jaami, Sheikh ul Islam al-Herawi, Sufi man of letter, was born in year 817 and died in 898. He had books like “Asha al-lum’at fi Sharh lum’at al-iraqi”, “Irshadia”, “Beharstan fi al-letaef wa alhekam” in Persian language, “Tarikh Herat”, “Tafsir Quran”, “Jela Alrooh” Persian poem, “Khurdnameh” Persian letter, “al-Dura al-Fakhera fi Tahqiq Medaheb al-Sufia wa al-Hukama”, three volumes of his poems, “Risala fi al-Tasawuf wa Ahleh wa Tahqiq Madhabehim”, Risala fi Silsilat al-Naqshebandia”, “Risala fi kelmati al-Shehada”, “Risala fi alm’ama”, “Risala Nur Bakhsh fi bayan alhaqiqa wa altariqa wa almujaz”, “Risala fi alwujud”, “Seja fi al-nasayeh wa al-hukum”, ” salaman wa ebsal” Persian letter, “Silsila al-Dahab fi tham al-Rawafidh”, “Sharh hadith Ibn Thar al-Aqely”, “Sharh Hhadith Arbaeen” in Persian, “Shawahid al-Nubuwah Latqwyat Yaqin Ahl alFutuwa” in Persian, “Sharh Fasus al-hukum lel Shaikh al-akbar”, Sharh ma’myat mir Hussain”, “Sharh al-Naqaya fi al-Furu” in Persian, al-Fawaed al-Day’a fi sharh al-kafya of ibn Hajeb”, “Kel wa Norouz” Persian letter, “Lawam’a Anwar al-kashf wa alshuhud ala Qulub Arbab al-Thawuq wa alwujud fi Sharh al-Qasida al-khamria al-fardhia”, “Lawaeh” Persian letter”, “Menasek al-Haj”, “Manaqib Sheikh ul-Islam Abdullah al-Ansari”, “Manaqib al-Sheikh Jalal al-deen al-Roomi”, “Nafahat al-uns men hadrat al-quds fi tabaqat al-Meshaeikh”, “Qaqd al-Nasus fi Sharh Naqsh al-Fasus”, “Haft Auwrang fi al-hakayat” Persian letter etc
Hidayat al Arfeen, Volume 1 page 534 – Cached

Ahmad al-Adnarwi in his valuable work ‘Tabqat al-Mafasareen’ wherein he has recorded detailed information about the commentators of Holy Quran right from the era of Sahabah, records about Maulana Jaami:

“467- Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad al-Jaam:

Was one of the noble scholars, he is renowned for holding different types of knowledge, skills, virtues, merits, which is already mentioned in the book al-Sheqaeq and other books which are sufficient.
He had many renowned and acceptable books which used to be distributed by and amongst the scholars, some of his books are Sharh al-kafia fi al-Nahwo, Naqsh al-nusus fi Shars al-Fasus, Shawahid al-Nubuwah, Tafsir fi Awael al-Quran al-Adheen etc.

Tabaqat al-Mufasareen, (MS Word page No. 183) – Cached