Investigationg the part : Follow my Path and the Path of my Companions

There is a Narration in Sunan Tirmidhi which often is used by Ahl e Sunnah particularly Deobandi’s for the defence of their Madhab.

Narrated by Imam Abu Essa Tirmidhi (Died 279 AH) via his own chain from Abdullah bin Umroo bin Aas who said :

حدثنا محمود بن غيلان حدثنا أبو داود الحفري عن سفيان الثوري عن عبد الرحمن بن زياد الأفريقي عن عبد الله بن يزيد عن عبد الله بن عمرو قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليأتين على أمتي ما أتى على بني إسرائيل حذو النعل بالنعل حتى إن كان منهم من أتى أمه علانية لكان في أمتي من يصنع ذلك وإن بني إسرائيل تفرقت على ثنتين وسبعين ملة وتفترق أمتي على ثلاث وسبعين ملة كلهم في النار إلا ملة واحدة قالوا ومن هي يا رسول الله قال ما أنا عليه وأصحابي

” Prophet [pbuh] said that there will befall a time upon my Ummah same as what happened to Bani Israel. If anyone from Bani Israel had done fornication with her Mother openly, same thing will be done in my Ummah by someone. Bani Israel was divided into 72 sects and my Ummah will be divided into 73 sects. Except one all will go to Hell.

People asked him : Which sect will go into Heaven.

Prophet [pbuh] replied :” Those who will follow My Path and the Path of my Companions

Salafi Scholar of Pakistan Shaykh Zubair Ali Za’i in footnotes says :

The Chain of Narration is WEAK. Also Narrated by Imam Hakim Neysaburi [1/129] via Sufyan Thawari and Abudur Rahman bin Zyad bin Anam AlAfrici is Weak famous and other supportive Narrations are also weak.

Jam’a Tirmidhi – Imam Abu Essa Tirmidhi // Kitab alEmaan // Page 788// Hadith 2641// Edn. Dar u Salam Riyadh.


This said scholar has given a detailed research on this Narration in his Commentary of Mishkaat ul Masabeeh. After quoting the Narration he says :

The Chain of Narration [ Tirmidhi ] is Weak “


This has been Narrated by Imam Tirmidhi [ He called it Hasan Gareeb ] and Imam Hakim Neysaburi via Sufyan Thawari -from- Abdur Rahman bin Zyad bin Anam -from- Abdullah bin Yazid -from- Abdullah bin Umroo bin Aas.

Sufyan Thawari has been supported by Essa bin Yusuf , Abu Usama and Obdah bin Suleiman [ Check Kitab Dhufa – Imam Uqayli 2/262 ]

Qadhi Abdur Rahman bin Zyad bin Anam alAfrici despite being a good person had problem with his memory and thus is Weak in Narrating.

Majority of the Scholars of Hadith have declared him Weak [ Majmu Zawahid – Imam Haythami 2/56,8/65,10/250 ]. Also see Taqreeb Tahdeeb – Imam Ibn Hajr [ 3862 ]

In this Narration there is a Sentence – Those who follow my path and the path of my Companions. There is a Weak supportive Narration of this part in Kitab Dhufa by Imam Uqayli [ Under the heading Abdullah bin Sufyan bin AlKhuza’i ] This Abdullah bin Sufyan has been declared Weak by Imam Uqayli by naming him in his book of Weak Narrators and He then said : This Narration isn’t proven from Yahya hin Saeed AlAnsari. [ Kitab Dhufa 2/262/ Number:815]

Note : If somone will say this Abdullah bin Sufyan bin AlKhuza’i has been mentioned by Imam Ibn Hibban in Kitab Thiqaat.

I say : We couldn’t find his Name in Kitab Thiqaat.

In Kitab Share’ah – Imam Ajuri [1/433/Narration 111] , Kitab Majroheen – Ibn Hibban [2/226] , Mujmu Zawahid – Imam Haythami [1/156/Number 259] there is a Narration from Abu Darda , Abu Amama , Wathila bin Ashqa and Anas bi Malik which has the Sentence :

” Whosoever will be on my Path and the Path of my Companions “

But in this Narration there is a Narrator Kathir bin Marwan Shaami about whom Imam Yahya ibn Maeen said : I have seen him. He was a Liar [ Tarikh AlBaghdad 12/482 with authentic chain ].

About this Narration of Abdullah bin Yazid bin Adam Damshiqi , Imam Abu Hatim Razi says : I don’t know this person. This Narration is Not Authentic. [Jarah wa Tadeel 5/197]

So it is proven that this Chain is also weak and Fabricated.

END OF MY RESEARCH : The wording – ” Those who follow my path and the path of my Companions ” isn’t proven from any Hasan or Sahih Narration.

Adhu Masabeeh fi Tahqeeq Mishkaat ul Masabeeh – Shaykh Za’i // Vol 1 // Kitab ul Emaan // Hadith 171 // Page 230 // Edn. Makataba islami Lahore.

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