Chapter Three: Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (as) also taught Imam Malik
Abu Sulaiman stated:

“Al-Shafi’i read “Al-Muwti” on Malik and the book has only 9 hadeeths that are narrated by Ja’far Al-Saddiq. And no one said that Malik was one of the students of Abu Hanifah, but they said that Malik was contemporary with Abu Hanifah”.

Yet again Abu Sulaiman fails to cite any sources as evidences, just his own bigoted Nasibi views. Like Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik also benefited from the knowledge of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (as):

Mufti Ghulam Rasool in ‘Subeh Sadiq’ page 202 narrates that:

Abu Naeem Isfahani (d. 430 Hijri) wrote: ‘Imam Malik bin Anas was one of the students of Imam Ja’far (Hilayat al-Awliya Volume 3 page 199). Researcher Abu Zuhra writes that Imam Malik attained knowledge from him and attended his gatherings (Imam Jafar Sadiq, page 83)’.

Subeh Sadiq, page 202 (published in London)

Ahmad Muhiuddin al-Ajooz records in Minhaj al-Sharia al-Islamia, Volume 3 page 114:

وقد أخذ عن الإمام جعفر الصادق رضي الله عنه الإمام مالك في المدينة وقال عنه : إنه كان من العلماء الزهاد الذين يخشون الله.

Imam Malik studied under the teaching of Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq may Allah be pleased with him, in Madina and he (Malik) used to say: ‘He was among the pious scholars who fear Allah.’

Abdulrahman al-Sharqawi records in Amea al-Fiqh al-Tesa, Volume 1 page 140:

أفاد الإمام مالك من صحبة الإمام جعفر وأخذ عنه كثيرا

“Imam Malik was benefited from Imam Jaffar and he learnt from him a lot.”

And as we cited earlier, famed Sunni scholar Mufti Ibn Talha Shafiyee records in Matalib Al-Seul, page 218:

واستفاد منه العلم جماعة من الأئمة وأعلامهم مثل يحيى بن سعيد الأنصاري وابن جريج ومالك بن أنس والثوري وابن عيينة وشعبة وأيوب السجستاني وغيرهم

“Many famous scholars benefitted from his knowledge such as Yahya bin Saeed al-Ansari, Ibn Juraij, Malik bin Anas, Thawri, Ibn Uyayna, Sh’uba, Ayob al-Sajistani and others”

We should also point out that the Shia scholar Shaykh Tusi in his book al-Rijal, page 302 cited Malik bin Anas as a student of Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq. Moreover, Maliki scholar Muhammad bin Ismail al-Eshbili (d. 636 H) in his book ‘Asma Sheiukh Malik bin Anas’ page 67, mentioned the name of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) among the names of Imam Malik’s teachers.

We should also point out that a prominent Wahabi scholar namely Abdulrahman al-Malami in his book al-Tankeel, volume 1 page 403 has stated:

أما الشافعي فإنه تلقف العلم من أصحاب جعفر بن محمد

“Shaffi’ee acquired knowledge from the students of Jaffar bin Muhammad” 

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