Chapter One: Introduction to literal approach of Salafi in understanding Qur’an


Salafis believe that the entire Qur’an is literal and that it is aloof of Mujaz (figurative Expressions). As a result, we witness them interpreting Verses of Qur’an literally. Examples of their literal approach are:

  • Giving Physical attributes to Allah – Believing that He (swt) has feet, arms, fingers, eyes etc.
  • Taking the Throne of Allah in a literal sense. They therefore conclude that there exists a big throne upon which Allah (swt) sits.
  • Taking the literal meaning of Bidah instead of it’s Shari meaning (Detailed articles on Bidah, Physical Body of Allah and His Throne are coming soon Inshallah)
  • They believe that the dead can not hear.
    Please see our article: Can the dead hear?

And many more issues where they use a totally literalist approach.

This disease of literalism is causing immense Fitna amongst the Muslim Ummah and is the main reason why differences between the Salafi and other Sects. We shall seek to highlight that the disease has damaged the Muslim Ummah in the following ways:

  1. It has made Salafism a composition of only 3 things i.e. Shirk, Bidah and Haram.
  2. It has made them take only those that parts of the Qur’an and Sunnah, that suits their Literal Interpretations and Beliefs, that results in them instinctively Neglecting and Hiding the other part of Qur’an and Sunnah, which contradict their beliefs.

In the later chapters, the Salafi attitude of neglecting / hiding / avoiding / discouraging other parts of Qur’an and Sunnah (that contradicts their ideas) shall be discussed in detail, Inshallah.

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