The Salafi Alim of continues to write:
The Barakah of the dhaat (physical essence) and whatever remnants are left from it. This type is for the Prophets and the Messengers and no one else is included amongst them, not even the best of the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) , such as Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali. – (Cached)
Based upon this claim, they issue fatwa of shirk when we visit the shrine of Aima of Ahlebait (as) for seeking Barakah. If Salafies really deem them to be correct in their belief, then we invite them to issue fatwa of Shirk upon the following Sahaba and their Ulama first:
The Tabi`i Thabit al-Bunani said he used to go to Anas Ibn Malik, kiss his hands, and say: “These are hands that touched the Prophet.” He would kiss his eyes and say: “These are eyes that saw the Prophet.”
Abu Ya`la narrated it in his Musnad (6:211) and Ibn Hajar mentions it in his al-Matalib al-`aliya (4:111).
al-Haythami declared it sound in Majma` al-zawa’id (9:325)
Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)
Also see the following:
Hafiz al-Dhahabi writes in the compendium of his shaykhs entitled Mu`jam al-shuyukh (1:73) in the entry devoted to his shaykh Ahmad ibn `Abd al-Mun`im al-Qazwini (#58):
Dhahabi continues: If it is said: “Why did the Companions not do this?” It is replied: “Because they saw him with their very eyes when he was alive, enjoyed his presence directly, kissed his very hand, nearly fought each other over the remnants of his ablution water, shared his purified hair on the day of the greater Pilgrimage, and even if he spat it would virtually not fall except in someone’s hand so that he could pass it over his face. Since we have not had the tremendous fortune of sharing in this, we throw ourselves on his grave as a mark of commitment, reverence, and acceptance, even to kiss it. Don’t you see what Thabit al-Bunani did when he kissed the hand of Anas ibn Malik and placed it on his face saying: “This is the hand that touched the hand of Allah’s Messenger”? Muslims are not moved to these matters except by their excessive love for the Prophet, as they are ordered to love Allah and the Prophet more than they love their own lives, their children, all human beings, their property, and Paradise and its maidens.
Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)
Now Salafies are free to issue fatwa of Shirk upon Sahabi Thabit al-Bunani and Anas ibn Malik (and also upon al-Dahabi for quoting it and encouraging people to believe in it). Now let’s see the 2nd tradition, which is again authenticated by their Imams.
al-Tabarani in al-Awsat and al-Kabir (4:16), and Imam Ahmad in his Musnad (5:67-68) with a sound chain as stated by al-Haythami in al-Zawa’id (4:211) narrated through Handhalah Ibn Hudhaym that the latter went with his grandfather, Hudhaym, to the Prophet:
Hudhaym said to the Messenger of Allah: “I have sons and grandsons, some of whom are pubescent and others still children.” Motioning to the young child next to him, he said: “This is the youngest.” The Prophet brought this young child whose name was Handhalah next to him, wiped on his head, and told him, “barakallahu fik,” which means: “May Allah bless you.” After that, people (Sahaba and Tabaeen) started to bring Handhalah a person with a swollen face or a sheep with a swollen udder. Handhalah would place his hand on that part of his head the Prophet wiped, then touch the swollen part and say Bismillah, and the swelling would be cured.
Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)
Salafies are requested to issue fatwa of Shirk upon Sahabi Handhalah and all other Sahabi and Tabaeen who done the above mentioned act.
According to Bukhari in his Adab al-mufrad, `Abd al-Rahman ibn Razin related that one of the Companions, Salama ibn al-Aku`, raised his hands before a group of people and said: “With these very hands I pledged allegiance (bay`a) to the Messenger of Allah,” upon hearing which, all who were present got up and went to kiss his hand. Another version of this hadith was also related by Ahmad.
Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)
Also see the following traditon:
Abu Malik al-Ashja`i said that he once asked another Companion of the Tree, Ibn Abi Awfa, “Give me the hand that swore bay`at to the Messenger of Allah, Peace be upon him, that I may kiss it.” Ibn al-Muqri related it.
Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine – (Cached)
There are many more traditions, but we end it with the book “Al-Thiqaat” from Hafidh Ibn Habban (a scholar, which is very respected by Salafies):
Ibn Hibban in his rijal book states that he did tawassul at the grave of Imam al-Raza (as), and that his supplication was accepted.
Al-Thiqaat, by Hafidh Ibn Habban, Vol. 8, Page 457
So why Salafies don’t issue fatwa of Shirk upon Hafidh Ibn Habban before even turning their face towards Shias? After all he comitted Shirk by seeking Tawassul at grave of Imam Al-Raza (as) and also encouraged others for this Shirk.
Salafies have absolutely no brain and Aql. When simple things like robe, water, staff and other things can become blessed by only one touch of Rasool Allah (saw), and then how is it possible there is no Barakah in closest brother of Rasool Allah (saw)?
Remember the Barakah in soil from where Horse of Jibrael (as) passed away. But when it comes to believe in Barakah of Mawla Ali (as), then it is Shirk for Salafies.
Lahola Wallah Quwah illah Billah.